As a consumer, it is important to be aware of your rights as it will enable you to fight your corner. You have the right to expect the marketplace to be fair as outlined below:
The right to safety; to be protected against the marketing of goods which are hazardous to health/ life.
The right to choose; to be assured , wherever possible, access to a variety of products and services at competitive prices:in those industries where competition is not workable and government regulation is substituted, an assurance of satisfactory quality and service at fair prices.
The right to information; to be protected against fraudulent, deceitful/ grossly misleading information, advertising, labeling / other practises and to be given the facts she/he needs to make an informed choice.
The right to be heard; to be assured that consumer interests will receive full and sympathetic consideration in the formulation of government policy, fair and expeditious treatment in its administative tribunals.
If you have bought goods which turn out not to meet the guarantees, go to the retailer and explain the problem. If the goods are faulty, the rights you have depend on the seriousness of the fault:
Minor faults: the retailer can either repair the goods, give you a replacement or give you a refund. if they choose to repair the goods they have to do it in a reasonable time.
Major faults: if the problem is major or can't be fixed, you can return the goods and choose between a refund or a replacement.
Questions & Answers
a). The retailer says i have to go to the manufacturer. Do I?
No if you go back to the retailer they must provide a remedy. If a retailer tells you have to go to the manufacturer they are mislesding you.
b). Can i choose to go directly to the manufacturer?
Yes, you can go directly to the manufacturer where goods are not of acceptable quality or do not comply with the manufacturer's description. If the goods were imparted you can go to the importer. there is a guarantee which applies only to manufacturer must make sure that spare parts and repair facilities are available for a reasonable time afterwards, unless you are told otherwise.
c). What happens if the retailer or manufacturer would not sort out the problem?
You may think of taking the matter further, to the consumer protection unit.
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