PROPHETIC WORD was spoken to us in reference to Billy Graham's life:
June 25, 2015
I SPEAK UNTO THEE this day and I say when men and women will sow unto iniquity, then they expect they will reap in righteousness, oh what fools they are. Yet I say there are those who have betrayed me, gone a whoring, created their own god under Babylon's Jesus, loved it so, and wallowed in the spiritual fornication and whoredom. Then they think somehow they must reap in righteousness. But I say they are fools who are taken in their folly, for I say they have sown unto iniquity, they have sown unto their whoredoms, they have sown unto that which is a grief unto me. Then they think somehow they will reap in righteousness and I the Living God will stand with them, I say they are utter fools. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to sow to iniquity, that you will indeed reap in the turmoil of the same. But I say that I call you to sow to righteousness that you can indeed be reaping and reaping in me. That is, reaping of the righteousness, reaping of the truth, reaping of the way that I provide. I say the way that you humble your flesh is to continue in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION unto me. That is, to continue to cry out, to continue to keep yourself in me, and walk uprightly in my way. I say this day that I the Living God do not call men to sow unto iniquity but I say that they do it of their own accord. They do it because they want to taste the world, flirt with the world, and even commit whoredom with the world. I say they do it because they want to be accepted and approved of men. Then I say when they reach their ripe old age, they think they will reap in righteousness but I say they are fools. I say the very things they have done in their drunkenness, the very things they have done in their desire to be received of men, will return to haunt them. I say this day there is no reason to be haunted, if you walk uprightly in me. I say thank me, praise me.
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