[wanabidii] Biased UN Investigator Resigns, Obama's Golf Game, Bibi's Back on Top - Feb. 3, 2015

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

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February 3, 2015 / 14 Shevat 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Schabas Resigns
Biased Schabas Resigns, Must Scrap Tainted 'Investigation' and Report
Schabas resigned due to enduring bias charges; his report must be scrapped.
William Schabas, named to chair the UNHRC Commission on Gaza, repeatedly denounced Israeli leaders as war criminals.

Schabas Resignation: What Else Has Not Been Disclosed?
The revelation that Schabas previously did legal work for the PLO raises numerous questions, which should be publicly and transparently addressed by the UNHRC.
UNHRC war crimes panel head William Schabas - Not a good Schabas

William Schabas, UN Anti-Israel Investigator Resigns [video]
Schabas's resignation is a cynical attempt to protect his anti-Israel report that comes out in March, from accusations of bias.
UNHRC war crimes panel head William Schabas - Not a good Schabas

 The Right to Speak
Giuliani Backs Netanyahu Right to Speak Out on Iranian Threat
Giuliani on Israel and Iran: "If someone threatens to kill you, you simply don't give them the gun to do it, unless there's something wrong with you."
Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani shakes hands with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem.

Bibi Back on Top
Haaretz Poll Puts Bibi On Top, Yishai Finally In Too
Haaretz may not be too pleased with the results of the latest election poll they ran...
israel polls

French Soldiers Protecting Jewish Sites Receive Death Threats
French soldiers guarding Jewish sites in Paris are learning first-hand what anti-Semitism feels like.
French police officer outside Charlie Hebdo offices had hands in the air and he was lying on the ground, injured when terrorists shot him to death.

PA Problems
Palestinian Authority Holding 15 Arabs Suspected with ISIS Links
The Palestinian Authority and Israel finally have a common enemy.
Future ISIS terrorists may come from the Palestinian Authority.

Quiet on Temple Mount Helps Return Jordanian Ambassador to Israel
John Kerry helped restore calm to the Temple Mount - at the price that Jews may not pray there.
Police clash with Arab Muslims trying to change the

Pro-Arab Lobby Wants Facebook to Ban Ads for 'Illegal Settlements'
The more ludicrous the anti-Israel lobby, the harder it will collapse.
View of what the anti-Israel lobby calls 40,000

Arab Reporter Lobbies State Dept. for 'More Aid to PA and Gaza'
Arab journalist advocates for PA and Gaza in State Dept. Press Briefings
Said Arikat, al-Quds Washington, D.C. reporter. Jan. 29, 2015

This is SATIRE
Obama Cites Lack Of Polish Golf Courses In Skipping Auschwitz [satire]
"Many important occasions demand his (Obama's) attention and there is no way he can attend them all"
Obama may not be the best golfer in the world, but he thinks he is smart enough to know who speaks for Islam. expert on Islam.

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