[wanabidii] Duma mother dies, Arab MK puts down Lefty MKs, Natural gas deal - Sept. 7, 2015

Monday, September 07, 2015

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September 7, 2015 / 23 Elul 5775


Headlines & Recommended

Domaine Du Castel Winery Story [video]
Reviving the long standing tradition of wine making in the JUDEAN HILLS
Domaine du Castel Wine Family

Duma Mother Dies of Wounds
Riham Dawabshe died from the third in a series of four mysterious fires that hit the Dawabshe family in Duma.
Inside of the home burned in the village of Duma.

Analysis: Five Weeks Later, Why Are Investigators Stumped About the Lethal Arson in Duma Village?
(JNi.media) Riham Dawabsha, 27, mother of the late infant Ali Dawabsha and wife of the late Sa'ad Dawabsha, died Sunday night. […]
Fishing Expedition

Netanyahu Expresses Condolences on Death of Arab Woman in Duma
Netanyahu called the firebomb-murder an "act of terrorism," but no evidence has been released that points to Jews being responsible.
Israelis visit at the scene of a house in the Palestinian village of Duma.

Palestinian Arabs Declare 'Day of Rage' After Duma Mother Dies
Palestinian Arabs have declared a "day of rage" on Friday for the death of Duma mother Riham Dawabshe, but violence began Monday.
Palestinian Authority Arab men in funeral after arson attack on Dawabshe home in Samaria Arab village of Duma.

Arab Knesset Member Damns Leftists as 'Rich Racists' Who Feign 'Peace' [video]
MK Jamal Zahalka said everything that a right-winger thinks but would not dare say about leftists - "racist", "spoiled" and "engineers of expulsion."
Left-wing MK Stav Shaffir and Arab MK Jamal Zahalka.

IDF Launches New Mortar Radar System in Southern Israel
The Israel Defense Forces have deployed a new mortar radar system in southern Israel.
Palestinian Arab terror teens from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) fire a mortar shell during a military graduation ceremony in Rafah in southern Gaza.

Israeli Government Again Faces Fight Over Noble-Delek Gas Outline
Israel's government is gambling with a Knesset vote in hopes of finding a way past the latest obstacle in the gas deal drama.
A view of the Israeli 'Yam Tethys' natural gas processing rig.

Analysis: Nazism and Islamic Extremism Share Poisonous Roots, Object of Hatred
When it comes to evil, the Nazis still rank highest in the minds of many, and are considered to be the epitome of evil, at least for the previous century—until today.
The grand mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, inspects Bosnian SS members in 1944

Kuwait Says Lebanon, Turkey 'Better Suited' for Syrian Refugees
A Kuwait official says Syrian refugees should never be allowed to enter his country. Lebanon and Turkey are "better suited" to them.
Syrian refugees at the Za'atari refugee camp in northern Jordan. The camp was first opened on July 28, 2012 to host Syrians fleeing the violence in the ongoing Syrian civil war that erupted in 2011. In the summer of 2013, the camp population was estimated at 144,000 refugees, making it Jordan's fourth largest city.

Mistreating Men/Trusting Man: Impediments To True Repentance
Problem: When man's obsession with matters between man and G-d replaces normal relations with others

School Daze: The Story of a Rocket
Though it missed, the rocket's story is simple: It had 1 target-our children-on school's opening day
A Soldier's Mother

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School Daze: The Story of a Rocket
A Soldier's Mother
Paula R. Stern
A Soldier's Mother

Emes Ve-Emunah: Normalcy
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Arab Stone Throwers are Murderers!‏
Shiloh Musings
Batya Medad
Aftermath of 2011 fatal crash in which Asher Palmer and his baby son were killed by rock-throwing terrorists

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