BETWEEN our site, our Youtube Channels, and Aggressive Radio, you can access HUNDREDS of Aggressive messages by Generals James and Deborah Green at any time of day or night. Along with these powerful teachings you'll find HUNDREDS of convicting and edifying Prophetic Words given to us on a daily basis by the LIVING GOD! ALL CONTENT IS FREE! Much can be downloaded as well. New messages added regularly. (All video/audio links updated and checked for playability) IT'S TIME TO GET AGGRESSIVE AND GO TO WAR AGAINST SIN! ATTACK SATAN'S KINGDOM BOTH IN AND AROUND YOU! FORGET CHURCH AND JOIN THE REAL ARMY OF GOD - THE ARMY THAT SHEDS NO BLOOD! START WATCHING AND LISTENING TODAY! CONTENT LINKS: ARM YOURSELF with hundreds of Aggressive Messages by Generals James and Deborah Green. You'll find early messages out of the archives, up to just delivered content. Spanning a wide range of subjects, there's something for everyone! Hard-hitting conviction and solid Biblical Truth make these messages an invaluable asset for any serious soldier of the Cross. All this at! ------------ YOUTUBE CONTENT ------------ WATCH hundreds of Aggressive Messages by Generals James and Deborah. Also listen to daily Prophetic Words given by the Holy Spirit. All this at our channel! AGGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY ON YOUTUBE! FELLOW SOLDIER of the Cross, STEPHANOS REVOLUTION, has done a fantastic job of adapting many of the GENERAL'S messages, adding special effects and audio tracks which greatly enhance the AGGRESSIVE impact. Check out Steph's work at these channels: OPERATION DEVASTATION! (Prophetic Words Proclaiming God's Imminent Judgment on the Nations who Have Turned From Him!) THE PX2 FILES (A Detailed Refutation of the Blatantly False and Hypocritical Lies Used by the Enemies of ACMTC!) |