[wanabidii] The Iran Nuclear Deal and more...

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Dear Colleague,

This month, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Programme examines the obstacles left to achieve a nuclear deal with Iran and what the latest deadline extension means for internal tensions in the country. Our latest research paper also analyses how influential President Rouhani is in the Islamic Republic.

In his latest comment piece, Paul Stevens analyses OPEC's actions in light of the recent fall in oil prices. Plus, Nadim Shehadi looks at the political and military actors hiding behind Islamic State.

Finally, you can listen to the latest Chatham House podcast discussing the challenges facing the current, and next, UK government with regards to the Middle East and North Africa.

Many thanks for your support.

Kind Regards,

Helen Twist
Middle East and North Africa Programme


As the negotiating parties extend the deadline for the nuclear deal, our experts consider the obstacles left to overcome and its impact on internal tensions in Iran.

Read Richard Dalton's expert comment on negotiations after Vienna >

Read Sara Bazoobandi's expert comment on the internal tensions in Iran >

This paper by Hossein Bastani examines Rouhani's chief priorities in the domestic and foreign domains; analyses the factors that help, and those that impede, his administration in attaining its goals; and assesses the relationship between the president and Iran's other institutions of power, including his influence on the country's security apparatus.

Read the research paper >

The brutal jihadist is simply a frontman for many strands of disaffected Iraqi opinion, argues Nadim Shehadi in The World Today.

Read the article >

OPEC is making the same fundamental mistakes it made during the 1980s oil price collapse, argues Professor Paul Stevens in his latest expert comment.

Read the expert comment >

Panellists discuss the policy challenges the UK government will face in a region that has faced political turmoil since the last general election in 2010. The current government, and the next, face tough decisions about how to respond to this and other challenges across the region and who to work with to do so.

Listen to the podcast >


Saad Aldouri
+44 (0)20 7957 5703
t f yt iT in fl

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