[wanabidii] BREAKING: Arab terrorist murders woman in her home. Israel finds more gas. 200,000 French planning Aliyah - Jan. 17, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

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January 17, 2016 / 7 Shevat 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Terrorist Murders Woman Inside Her Home in Otniel
The terrorist entered a home and stabbed a woman to death in the community of Otniel
Givati soldiers looking for Otniel killer

Terror Attack Thwarted Outside Jerusalem Synagogue
Three Arab teen terrorists failed in an attempt to attack a crowded Jerusalem synagogue.
These Jerusalem Arab teen terrorist wannabes attempted to carry out an attack at a synagogue on HaRav Reines Street.

Iran Humiliates US on Ballistic Missile Sanctions
Unlike the US, which has kept quiet on the capitulation to Iran's long range missile ambitions, the Iranians have been bragging about it.
Iranian missiles

American Jew Bob Levinson Sacrificed, 5 Other Americans Freed From Iran
Bob Levinson is abandoned as 5 U.S. hostages are freed from Iran on the nuclear deal "implementation day."
Robert Levinson

Netanyahu Looking to Match Israeli, US Foreign-Sponsored NGO Laws
"The bill should require reporting starting with the first shekel or the first dollar coming from foreign governments."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

ACNP Calling on AG, Justice, to Investigate Liel's Anti-Israel Subversion [video]
"Liel's actions are a blatant undermining of Israeli democracy and constitute political subversion."
Alon Liel

New Israeli Gas Field Discovered, 'Greatest Potential Since Leviathan'
A new natural gas reservoir has been discovered off the coast of Israel, about the same size as the Tamar gas field.
An aeriel view of the 'Tamar' gas processing rig 24 km off the southern Israeli coast of Ashkelon. Noble Energy and Delek are the main partners in the Tamar gas field, estimated to contain 10 trillion cubic feet of gas.

Operation French Kiss: 200,000 French Jews Planning Aliyah
According to the survey's findings, as many as 43% of French Jews are planning to make Aliyah to Israel.
ARCHIVE PHOTO: 400 French Olim, just off the plane, receive their Israeli IDs at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem. July 17, 2014

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