[wanabidii] BDS & CUNY, Obama & Golf, Syria & ISIS, PA & The Hague - Sept. 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

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September 12, 2014 / 17 Elul 5774 / Shabbat Shalom


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Headlines & Recommended

Anti-Semitic Vandals on Temple against Miami Synagogues
Vandals attacked two synagogues and a supermarket this week. One person has been arrested.
Swastika and

Anti-Israel Group at CUNY Plots Secret Sabbath BDS Campaign
Anti-Israel activists at City University of New York have scheduled a vote on a divestment resolution for Friday night, when observant Jews can't attend.
Logo of the City University of New York (CUNY).

Trump: Obama Can Have Free Golf for Life – Just Quit
Trump made his offer after the President was turned away from multiple golf courses.
Trump Golf Offer

PA Backpedaling On Taking Israel to the Hague
The Palestinian Authority is apparently no longer interested in taking Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague for war crimes.
The International Criminal Court building in the Hague, the Netherlands.

Private TV Crew Catches Arab Rock-Throwers in the Act [video]
Video cameras instead of rifles might make roads safer against rock-throwers.
Private firm's video catches two Arab rock-throwers in the act.

Lebanon FM: ISIS Must be Eliminated, Not Contained
Lebanon would be a partner, a pioneer and spearhead in the battle against ISIS...
Bassil Jeddah Meeting John Kerry

Syrian Army and Hezbollah Ordered to Shoot Down Foreign Planes
A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said any US air strike, without the backing of the UN, would be "an act of aggression".
Assad's Air Force reportedly wiped out 18 ISIS terrorists, including one American, in early Sept. 2014.

Massive Rock-Throwing Ambush another Sign that Jerusalem Is a Divided City
Jerusalem once divided by barbed wire, now is divided by Arab rock-throwing terrorists.
Arab holds a rock behind his back before aiming to kill Jewish drivers and passengers.

In Jerusalem Hills, Israeli Firefighters and U.S. Marines Mark 9/11
Jerusalem district firefighters and rescue volunteers, alongside U.S. Marines and families of 9/11 victims, marked the 13th anniversary 9/11 in a special ceremony held in the Jerusalem Hills.
Israeli firefighters and U.S. Marines commemorate 9/11 in Jerusalem's 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza.

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MK Moshe-Feiglin

What's In A Name?

Assemblyman Dov Hikind

Don't Let Apathy Become Abuse

Dr. Michael J. Salamon
child abuse

If Not Now, When?

Hillel Fendel and Chaim Silberstein / KeepJerusalem.org

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