[wanabidii] Press Releases: Deputy Secretary of State Heather Higginbottom Hosts Youth Roundtable on the Future of Development with USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah as Part of action/2015 Global Campaign

Thursday, January 15, 2015

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01/14/2015 04:09 PM EST

Deputy Secretary of State Heather Higginbottom Hosts Youth Roundtable on the Future of Development with USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah as Part of action/2015 Global Campaign

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 14, 2015

Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom and USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah will host a roundtable discussion on January 15 at the Department of State with 30 15-year-old students participating in the launch of a global coalition called action/2015.  A global grassroots effort of more than 1,000 organizations in more than 100 countries, action/2015 is a global campaign that aims to mobilize citizens around global development and the new Sustainable Development Goals. 

The 15-year-old students will meet with Deputy Secretary Higginbottom and USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah to discuss their hopes for tackling some of the world’s biggest development challenges, their vision of what the world will look like in 2030, and their ideas for a successful Post-2015 Development Agenda, the successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals.  Discussion topics will center on tackling global development challenges in energy access, global health, hunger and food security, and opportunities for women and girls.  These teens were born in 2000, the year that the UN launched the Millennium Development Goals, and they will be the generation for which the Sustainable Development Goals developed later this year will have the largest impact. 

The roundtable, which was organized in collaboration with ONE, Save the Children, the UN Foundation, and Girl Up, is one of many events taking place around the world to launch action/2015.  As part of the action/2015 launch on January 15, groups of 15-year-old students will lobby high-profile celebrities and leaders in dozens of countries around the world including Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Bolivia, and Norway. 

The Post-2015 Development Agenda presents a unique opportunity for the United States and all nations to forge a shared agenda to eradicate extreme poverty, promote shared prosperity, and enhance sustainability extending to 2030.

To learn more about Action/2015 please visit Action2015.org.

To join the January 15 discussion, follow: @StateDept, @HHigginbottom, @StateDeptOES, @rajshah, @USAIDpolicy, @ONECampaign, #DemandBetter, #Action2015, and #Post2015. 

For further event information, please contact Lilly Bertz at bertzlm2@state.gov.

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