Good People, What I am reading and detecting here is the worst-ever illogical reasoning argument lacking fundamental substantances of facts in giving reasons why ICC Hague should not go on as scheduled and why they think ICC Hague is interfering and are lacking evidence to pin suspects. All suspects need to do is cooperate and give facts of the matter. They should say what they know or knew, with whom they engaged to do and explain giving satisfactory reasons why they should not be suspects........It is a fact though that some of the big fish are out there still loose, and here is where justice will dig to explore and unearth facts of the whole truth.........No one can fool Kenyans anymore, Kenyans know the truth and Kenyans want Justice done......So ICC is on the track to bring justice.....Let us not beat about the bush....Facts are Facts and the Truth shall set us free indeed. It is about time, we are not going to run away from justice....... What I see here is a non-intelligent weak conspiracy theory meant to evade justice which is lacking the collective bargain from public concern and safety; which in essense is geared to fail the stability and weaken security of Kenya but which its main purpose is to promote thuggery and terrorism meant to intimidate and manipulate favors for the special interest against public interests. This statement therefore cannot see sunshine, it must be condemned by all the good people and be ignored like the passing of hot-air blowing towards the sea, which the acceptable justification norm is cool sea air blowing on to the land. Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson Executive Director Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc., USA --- On Mon, 10/29/12, maina ndiritu <> wrote: From: maina ndiritu <> Subject: ICC a Threat to Kenya's National Security To: "africa yahoogroups" <>,, "forum" <>,, "VVM Vuguvugu Mashinani" <>, "KENYA ONLINE" <> Date: Monday, October 29, 2012, 12:34 PM Intelligence gathered by Strategic Intelligence and a critical analysis on events related to Kenyan politics and ICC representatives actions and responses to Kenyan politics confirm ICC is becoming a threat to Kenya's national security. Intelligence analysts have been keenly watching ICC moves and warnings to Kenyan politicians besides critically analyzing ramifications of political efforts of primary suspects ICC wants to prosecute for crimes against humanity. Critical analysis of these core indicators of collation between Kenya politics and ICC efforts verify a unique connection between the 2013 elections and its outcome. Intelligence gathered from executives who worked for specific parties in 2007 and throughout 2008 verify a nexus/trail of fixations, Western diplomats hands, and Kenyan politicians involvement. Intelligence shows ICC attempts to stymie political gains of Messrs Kenyatta and Ruto every time opinion polls show strategic gains with a bias on acquiring a role of the overall judge of the candidates future. Intelligence analysis based on strategic intelligence analysis studies and procedure point out the element of culpability of specific manipulators calling shots hence providing directives intent on creating a public/general policy on the issue. A recent opinion poll placing Messrs Kenyatta political gains at good stead besides the rapid surge in his party 'TNA' popularity only projects Kenyatta as a most likely winner of the 2013 election. Analysts confirm drastic measures to counter this surge by ICC which is a pointer of meddling which Strategic Intelligence analysts trace back to Kenya. Such political meddling is a panacea for fanning political disunity which plays the central role in fanning ethnic problems such as violence. The presence of chief ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda besides a previous visit by Koffi Annan in Nairobi shortly after the manifesting of TNA and URP political gains further confirms the nexus between a Kenyan handler and a mole in ICC. The objective of their visits are indicators of their identity as the handlers and proxies that are used to deploy and guide a weapon that creates a public policy about the ramifications of Kenyatta and Ruto leadership. In theory, every citizen makes up his mind on public questions and matters of private conduct. In practice, if all men had to study for themselves the abstruse economic, political, and ethical data involved in every question, they would find it impossible to come to a conclusion without anything. We have voluntarily agreed to let an invisible government sift the data and high-spot the outstanding issue so that our field of choice shall be narrowed to practical proportions. From our leaders and the media they use to reach the public, we accept the evidence and the demarcation of issues bearing upon public question; from some ethical teacher, be it a minister, a favorite essayist, or merely prevailing opinion, we accept a standardized code of social conduct to which we conform most of the time. Edward Bernays While majority of Kenyan's have been taking up everything the ICC and the media has prepared, (as ICC and the West wanted) their current mindset will be their greatest undoing since they hardly have an idea of what the West is doing to stop Kenya's economic-military growth and the East and Central African economic union. This geopolitical muscle and geo-strategic significance of Kenya to the East and Central Africa since President Kibaki took power has done more harm to Western military-economic objectives and programs. Another factor is President Kibaki's tough stance against Western diplomatic largesse, poor economic incentives, and extremely parasitic nature of bilateral trade incentives. Military and economic independence of Kenya besides its critical role in shaping the geopolitics of the east and central Africa factors the foreign meddling of Nairobi's political future. Uhuru Kenyatta has confirmed the existence of these proxy-war elements against the Kibaki system and post-era by launching a diplomatic onslaught that hopes to rally the regional players under Kibaki's brainchild LAPSET to support his presidency. The West handlers at ICC may have also panicked after Kenya army single handed defeated Al-Shabaab militants by routing them out of the Somali port city of Kismayu after Americans, Britons, and Ethiopians failed. A stronger Kenya with a Kibaki student in the helm will make Nairobi very powerful and extremely military-economic independent that the West will become insignificant to East and Central Africa; these fears are what drives the ICC process and containing any Kibaki student from ascending to power is in-order. The ICC enjoys the relatively warm and near fanatical support in Kenya which indeed is the public policy that the handlers have all along wanted. Sociology based analysis of third world politics and societal discord confirm how intelligence organizations like CIA manipulate the social order through creating a public policy that is hard to break. Kenya played to the ICC hands based on a weak government policy on security and an extremely ethnic national political policy weakening the societal perception on nationalism. Kenyans bought the media creation of ethnic-politics and a weak government policy on security hence procured the bias of a Western process promising to bring a sense of rationale on social order, security, and politics; the ICC was the proxy server that delivered this desired result. |
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