[wanabidii] Back to School, Crowdfunding Terror, Auschwitz Showers, ISIS, Joseph's Tomb Terrorists captured - Sept.1, 2015

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

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September 1, 2015 / 17 Elul 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Trade24 Social Trading
Trade24 makes sure to follow all the rules according to Halacha of which one can invest and lend money.
Upgrade Parnasa 600x400

Auschwitz Showers Only A 'Public Safety Measure,' Says Museum
Showers installed in front of Auschwitz are simply a 'public safety measure' to ward off the summer heat, says the museum.
Arbeit Mach Frei entrance gate to the Auschwitz death camp, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2.2M Israeli Children Return to the Classrooms
More than two million Israeli children returned to the classrooms across the country Tuesday.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett, welcomes students on their first day, in Raanana.

3 NYC Ds Disappoint Area Residents and Announce Support for Nuclear Iran Deal
THThree NYC Cong. Ds from heavily Jewish districts defied constituents, announcing support for Nuclear Iran Deal.
Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY-9)

'Undecided' Sen. Cardin Predicts Congress Will Back Obama on Iran Deal
He says he still has not made up his mind but that Obama will win the magic number of 34 to override a veto.
Maryland Democratic Senator Ben Cardin.

White House and Columbia U. Splash Cold Water on 'Prof. Obama' Rumor
The university claims there was a mix-up between "Obama" and the "Obama Foundation" retaining a presence on campus.
Then-Sen. Obama (middle) at 2003 commencement address to Chicago-Kent graduates.

Good Jewish Boy from Israel Tries to Join the ISIS
Turkish officials helped return the 21-year-old man, the Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday.
Why would a Jew want to join the ISIS?

ISIS-Linked Gaza Terror Rocket Fails to Reach Southern Israel
An ISIS rocket attack on southern Israel from Gaza landed short early Tuesday and schools opened on time.
Rocket Crossing

ISIS Video Claims Burning of Four Men Fighting with Iran-Backed Forces
The victims were burned alive while hanging upside down. ISIS said it was in revenge for Shi'ite executions
ISIS victims who fought with an Iranian-backed group and who were burned alive.

Capture of Joseph's Tomb Terrorists Exposes Truth About Palestinian Authority
The purpose of an attack on Joseph's Tomb is to murder Jews at prayer and destroy a Jewish holy site
The Palestinians have desecrated Joseph's Tomb on more than one occasion.

White Supremacist Gives Nazi Salute After Kansas City Murder Conviction
White supremacist Frazier Glen Miller Jr, gave the Nazi salute to jurors who ruled him guilty of killing three in Kansas City.
Frazier Glenn Miller regretted that his murder victims were not Jews.

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