[wanabidii] Vienna's Most Jewish Street - (JewishPress.com Promotion)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

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Vienna's Most Jewish Street


This year, Vienna's famous Ringstrasse is celebrating its 150th anniversary.  Enter the Jewish Museum Vienna, which uses its new exhibit to remind us that the Ringstrasse also boasts a Jewish history that isn't yet well known. With almost half of the privately held lots owned by Jews, the boulevard was a symbol of Jewish economic success and patronage..... 


Join Kosher River Cruises and explore Vienna, one of our many ports of call along the Danube.  Your all-inclusive cruise includes expert guided city tours exploring the regions unique Jewish history and heritage.



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Featuring VK Gadi MD / PHD 

Associate Professor University of Washington


Group Specials Available So Book Today!

Guaranteed Departure

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