[wanabidii] On Britain, Sukkot - The Universal Holiday, Jerusalem - Oct. 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

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October 14, 2014 / 20 Tishri 5775 / Moadim L'Simcha
Tonight is Hoshana Raba


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Headlines & Recommended

British Parliament Backs Palestinian State in Vote
Is UK support for Islamic State next?

On the "Recognition" of the "State" of "Palestine"
Why is "Palestine" worthier of "statehood recognition" than ISIS, another terrorist gang seeking it?
British Flag

UK School Inspectors Bully Orthodox Students with Sexual and Inappropriate Questions
Jewish schoolgirls were traumatized by official UK school inspectors who asked very inappropriate sex-related questions which you don't ask 9 year old religious girls.
Britain in the European Union

Jerusalem Light Rail Cuts Route on Holiday Week to Dodge Arab Terror
The Jerusalem Light Rail is cutting its route in order to dodge Arab terror in the northern part of the city, at least for now.
What was left of one of the Jerusalem Light Rail stations in Shuafat after early summer riots.

"Why on EARTH did you Move to Israel?"
Such an incredible miracle to have Israel, it's crazy that every Jew isn't clamoring to live here!

Arabs Attack Bus to Western Wall as UN's Ban Laments Damage in Gaza
Arabs hurl rocks at a Jerusalem bus carrying Israelis and tourists to the Western Wall while UN leader Ban Ki-moon laments damage he sees in Gaza.
This is not the first time that Jerusalem Arabs have attempted to murder bus drivers and their passengers. (archive photo)

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