[wanabidii] Press Releases: Notice of Meeting: U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

Monday, September 08, 2014

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09/08/2014 03:57 PM EDT

Notice of Meeting: U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
September 8, 2014

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy will meet in open session at the Capitol Visitor’s Center (First Street, Southeast), Room SVC209-08 in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, September 16 from 10-11:30 a.m.

The Commission Members will discuss the findings and recommendations from its official report “Data-Driven Public Diplomacy: An Assessment of Research and Evaluation Offices for Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting.” The report discusses the structures, processes and methods used at the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to understand the impact of U.S. activities that engage and inform foreign audiences. The meeting will feature contributors to the report, including: Amelia Arsenault, Georgia State University; Craig Hayden, American University; Erik Nisbet, Ohio State University; Shawn Powers, Georgia State University; and Jay Wang, University of Southern California. Other representatives from the U.S. government who work on research and evaluation for public diplomacy and international broadcasting will also be in attendance.

This meeting is open to the public, Members and staff of Congress, the State Department, Defense Department, the media, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations. To attend and make any requests for reasonable accommodation, please e-mail pdcommission@state.gov by 5pm on Monday, September 15, 2014. Please plan to arrive for the meeting by 9:45am to allow for a prompt meeting start.

Other questions concerning the meeting or the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State should be directed to Chris Hensman at (202) 203-7467, or by e-mail at HensmanCD@state.gov.

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