[wanabidii] First Africa Climate Conference: African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) features at the first Africa Climate Conference, 15-18 October 2013

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

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African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) features at the first Africa Climate Conference, 15-18 October 2013


A joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organization and the African Union


ARUSHA, Tanzania, October 9, 2013/ -- The first of its kind, ACC2013, will bring together stakeholders to address new frontiers of knowledge on the African Climate system, and narrow the communication gap currently existing between African decision-makers and climate scientists with a view to improving climate early warning responses and adaptation in Africa.


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The Conference will be opened by H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania. World Meteorological Organization Deputy Secretary-General Jerry Lengoasa is guest speaker, with an address on “Defining a Common Climate Research Agenda for Africa: Addressing Priority Research Gaps to deliver Relevant Climate Services for End-Users in Africa.”


AMCOMET (http://www.wmo.int/amcomet), a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organization and the African Union, will be featuring on a side event with UNESCO and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The panel will discuss the critical role of research and capacity development to promoting knowledge of the African climate.


AMCOMET will focus on role of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services), developed under AMCOMET and endorsed by the African Union, which positions weather and climate services as essential components in national and regional development frameworks and highlights the need for the implementation of a structured GFCS in Africa. AMCOMET is expected to be a key platform in supporting the outcomes of the Africa Climate Conference 2013 (ACC2013).


A concrete pan-African and multi-disciplinary climate research program proposal is anticipated at the close of the Conference, and expected to be prominently featured during the Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA–III) which takes place in Ethiopia the 21 – 23 October 2013.


The African continent is particularly vulnerable to climate variability and climate change, poverty and environmental degradation constitute aggravating factors.


In Africa, the meteorological services operate under various ministerial departments – transport, equipment, agriculture, environment, etc. It is therefore important to strengthen the institutional framework for weather forecast, climate and water services for the continent to meet the many challenges it faces.


ACC 2013 is organized by the African Climate Policy Center (ACPC), the University of Dar es Salaam, and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).


Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET).



For all media enquiries (radio, TV interviews and photos) please email : amcomet@wmo.int or phone: +41 78 664 41 82


Notes to Editors


AMCOMET: The African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) (http://www.wmo.int/amcomet) was initiated in response to major challenges related to the delivery of weather and climate services in Africa. It is a permanent forum where African ministers in charge of meteorology convene every two years to provide political leadership and policy direction and advocacy in matters related to the development of meteorology and its applications, as well as its contribution to socio-economic development in Africa. AMCOMET was established in April 2010 during the First Conference of Ministers Responsible for Meteorology in Africa.


For more information, visit:

•          http://www.wmo.int/amcomet/

•          http://africaclimateconference.org

•          https://www.wmo.int



African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)


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