No Machera,
We just need to round up all radicals and their associates, hold as they are questioned, we cannot take chances with our security.
NIS and ATPU are already beginning the dragnet, many more will be nabbed and don't be surprised some names that you never thought are in terror will surface, watch this space.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 4:44 PM, Evans MACHERA <> wrote:
Are we loosing on our security !
Standard Digital News - Kenya : Form Two student arrested ... - Inagist hours ago - Student in Nairobi, Kenya, arrested in connection with Westgate Mall ... Kenya, arrested in connection with Westgate Mall terror attack, police say ... all SIM cards to be registered following an upsurge of phone-related crimes.
We recently saw our security chief's point fingers to each other,and by yesterday,we had our mobile subscribers CEO being questioned on or about the non-registered sim cards.
Tribal politics has polarized our Nation. Leadership is more of sensation in addressing issues that the merit.
Youths are their own men in their country that the law of the jungle is much better.Here is one case of a Form 2 student - how many are there that we do not know!
How about school leavers and drop outs who are ready for "hire" where applicable!
The looting of goods at the Mall only helps to explain how common decency has been thrown out of the window - you go to rescue only to help your self with that you did have or have come across!
Aren't we praying for the worst to occur !
On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 4:30 PM, otieno sungu <> wrote:
Kenyan Daily Post reports elaborate plan by terrorists to cripple Kenya's leadership by eliminating all MPs at Parliament and also bomb UN HQs in Nairobi.
Meanwhile, NIS and ATPU are moving into a tight security operation to uproot Al Shabaab sympathizers and suspects, many recruits including high school students in secondary schools are being investigated from reports appearing on media.
This move should have happened much earlier when KDF invaded Somalia and Al Shabaab threatened retaliation.
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