[Mabadiliko] English Pronunciation

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Today, I don't have anything to complain about but I'll just pass along a few words that I  saw on TV, being presented by some Luo know-it-all called Willis the Wordmaster. This is the guy they hired recently to do a 5-minute pronunciation piece on KTN. Prime News every Friday. That job should have been given to me because this was my idea.

Anyway, these are the words he presented on Friday, Oct 25. I apologize; it's a very long list.


AWAY           ------         O-W-E-Y

COLONEL   -----           K-A-N-A-L   (This is a very strange one)

ALUMNI        ------          A-L-A-M-N-A-I

LIEUTENANT   ----        L-E-F-T-E-N-A-N-T (British)    L-U-T-E-N-A-N-T (American)

-EA- Family

WEAPON    -----       W-E-P-O-N

JEALOUS    ------     J-E-L-A-S

PEASANT    -----      P-E-S-A-N-T

PHEASANT   -----    F-E-S-A-N-T

-ARY and -ERY  Family

DICTIONARY    ----      D-I-K-SH-O-N-R-I

STATIONERY    -----    S-T-E-SH-O-N-R-I

STATIONARY    -----   S-T-E-SH-O-N-R-I 

ORDINARY        -----   O-D-I-N-R-I

MISSIONARY     ---    M-I-SH-O-N-R-I  (This too is strange. SS is always an S-sound)

TRI  Family

TRIBUNAL          ------   T-R-A-I-B-YU-N-O-L

TRIBAL              -------    T-R-A-I-B-O-L

TRIPOD           --------    T-R-A-I-P-O-D

iPod                ------        A-I-P-O-D

TRIPARTITE    -------     T-R-A-I-P-A-T-A-I-T

-ICE Family

PREJUDICE     ----         P-R-E-J-U-D-I-S

NOVICE           ------        N-O-V-I-S

APPRENTICE    ------     A-P-R-E-N-T-I-S

HOSPICE        ------         H-O-S-P-I-S

Once again, I apologize for the long list.

Oh yeah, just one more. Today I heard our Internal Security Cabinet Secretary (Minister), Joseph Ole Lenku, say the word IMMIGRATION.

He said:                    I-M-A-I-G-R-E-SH-O-N
The correct way is:  I-M-I-G-R-E-SH-O-N

Oduor Maurice wod Ugenya Ukwala

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