[wanabidii] Election Violence in Kenya?........Not Again

Thursday, January 24, 2013

This is not what Kenya expects in the Reform Change we have been fighting for.
No corrupt person should be forced on people once they are rejected. The peoples
verdit is final........People are the boses, they choose how they wish to be governed
and all political players must respect wishes of the people.
The fight for Reform change is not over people, we shall continue fighting till the "Voice
of Reason" is respected and honored.
We are all in this together for the sake of Reform Change and let justice speak up for
the people. 

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Election violence? Not again

Updated Wednesday, January 23 2013 at 00:00 GMT+3
By Njoki Karuoya
Last week, I lost hope that the March 4 elections would be peaceful. With all the main presidential candidates working hard to be seen as national by appointing running mates from different communities, I was confident that a repeat of the 2008 post-election violence would not occur. But now I'm not so sure.
While the violence that seems set to rock the country in six weeks time may not be tribal-based but more about individual winners and losers, the scary fact is that violence will be a reality; and it may be worse than what we saw last weekend.
Bloated pool
I'm I being pessimistic? Perhaps, but imagine this. The post-primary violence was at the level of aspirants, and a bloated pool at that, which means hope more than guarantee, carried the day. Now there are all these candidates carrying around nomination certificates that declare them as bona fide party representatives for various seats, who believe they are the one.
And in the next six weeks, that ego will get so bloated that it will not be contained within the confines of a ballot box. So can you now imagine the explosions when their opponents are declared winners?
If the police want to ensure a more level-headed, violent reaction (if there is anything like that) after the pronouncement of winners, they need to, between now and then, disarm all Kenyans off pangas, jembes, tyres, matches, petrol and other inflammable and blunt objects. These are often the tools of violent. If they can manage this too, they need to force all Kenyans to attend anger-management crash courses that will also include lessons on the importance of peace, including peaceful protests.
Most importantly, the police will need to increase their bullets (hopefully the rubber bullets), tear gas and other riot-control weapons.
But seeing as all these may be a tall order for the police, I'm worried for all those innocents who may be at the right place at the wrong time, and accidentally find themselves in the middle of abrupt violence. The victims of such mayhem are often women and children. When such violence erupts, women walking around are grabbed and gang raped. Children are abducted or killed.
And yes, it may be easy to tell people to lock themselves in their houses right from the evening of March 4 (after the voting exercise) till Sunday, March 10 when, hopefully, the final results will have been announced and any violent rages following such announcements have run out of steam. But we all know that violence tends to find people in the perceived safety of their homes.
Five years ago, when some people went out of their houses to protest the controversial presidential elections, many stayed at home. Others ran to places of 'safety' like churches, police stations and the chief's camp. But the bloodthirsty killers went after them. People were killed in their homes, either by the rioters or by the police. Others were killed in church, while women were raped everywhere.
Accept loss
This is not the life I want for myself or for any Kenyan. I want us to live in peace, irrespective of other people's opinion – because that is what elections are all about; providing individuals with the opportunity to exercise their opinion. The majority of Kenyans with the same opinion carry the day. That's just the way it is. If you and those thinking like you lose, it's simply because not as many people thought the same way.
Maturity is the skill to painfully accept your loss, find reasonable ways to vent your frustration then move along. Violence is never the answer as it costs more than acceptance, what with the collateral damage and loss of property and livelihoods.
Just how mature are we as Kenyans? That will be the major test as we get closer to March 4. Let us choose peace and tolerance instead of war and intolerance.
I wish all candidates the best, but as they campaign, they must realise that those nomination certificates they hold are not the tickets to success. They could lose come March 4, too, and they need to act as gentlemen and ladies when the proof is presented to them; and as leaders by calming their supporters down to peace instead of inciting them to violent protests.
South Nyanza Protests
Published on Jan 18, 2013

Protests rocked most parts of the County over alleged manipulation of results. Riots rocked Kendu Bay town amid claims that the nomination for Karachuonyo Parliamentary seat had been manipulated while in Ndiwa, scores of demonstrators poured to the streets claiming manipulation was going on in favour of outgoing Mp Augustine Netto.

Protests over insecurity in Kisumu


Updated Monday, October 29 2012 at 00:00 GMT+3
Residents protest at Kisumu Police Station after the shooting of businessman Shem Kwega and his wife. (Photo:James Keyi/Standard)
By Mangoa Mosota
Prominent Kisumu businessman Shem Kwega has died and his wife critically wounded after being shot by thugs in broad daylight.
Shem Kwega and his wife Rose Onyango were admitted at the Intensive Care Unit at Aga Khan Hospital soon after the incident. Kwega later succumbed to injuries.
The duo was shot at a few minutes after 10am, along Nyerere Road, near Mamba Hotel.
A witness, Morgan Ashino, said the two thugs armed with a G3 gun, blocked Kwega's car, before he got out.
"He came out and held the gun, before one of them hit him on the head with a fist," said Ashino, a motor cycle operator.
Kwega then got into his car and tried to drive off, but the thugs shot him several times, as the vehicle swerved into a ditch. His wife was also shot as the gang forcefully took a bag reported with some money from her.
Ashino said together with four other motor cycle operators, followed the thugs all the way to Nyamasaria, about five kilometres away.
The shooting incident sparked off a wave of protests by an assistant minister Ayiecho Olweny and local residents who marched in the streets demanding action.
Protestors blocked the Kisumu – Kakamega road, with over 500 of them surrounding Kondele police station.
More than 30 police officers drawn from Kisumu and Nyando Divisions are hunting the gang, who drove from the town in vehicle they had earlier hijacked.
Kwega is the Kisumu Town West Constituency ODM chairman and in 2007 sought parliamentary seat, but lost in the nominations. He owns two petrol stations in the lakeside town.
The shooting comes only two days after an acclaimed researcher was killed by thugs in Tom Mboya area.
Dr Joseph Odhiambo, of Centre for Disease Control (CDC) was hacked on his head on Saturday night.
The deceased was a senior technical adviser to the CDC's Global Aids Programme.

Nyongo' under fire over flawed Kisumu vote

Updated Saturday, January 19 2013 at 00:00 GMT+3
By Rushdie Oudia
KISUMU; KENYA: Five governor aspirants in Kisumu County are demanding the resignation of ODM Secretary General Anyang' Nyongo'.
The aspirants accused Prof Nyongo' of interfering with party nominations in the county, alleging he was to blame for the flawed exercise.
Led by Owino Omolo and Ruth Odinga, the aspirants also called for the nullification of all governorship results, saying the process should be repeated.
The aspirants alleged that Nyong'o was working with Jack Raguma, who is also in the governorship race, to ensure the two of them win. Ms Odinga alleged that Raguma alongside Nyong',o had gone to collect ballot papers at the Kisumu Airport on Thursday, which was illegal.
"It is wrong for ballot papers to be in the hands of an aspirant," she said, alleging that the two had a cup of tea with one of the ODM returning officers, who was to oversee the nominations.
"No nominations will take place until returning officers and presiding officers are changed," said Ms Odinga. However, Nyongo dismissed the claims as cheap politics, saying he was not meddling.

How Kisumu was turned into a battlefield

Updated Monday, January 21 2013 at 00:00 GMT+3

Youth in Kisumu protest at Kondele after receiving information that their candidates whom they voted at the ODM nominations had been shortchanged. [Photo: Titus Munala]
By Maureen Odiwuor
KISUMU, KENYA: A returning officer was escorted by heavily armed security detail to Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu where he announced the Kisumu County nomination results.
The officer, said to have been appointed by the party after Albert Mbwaga was replaced for allegedly colluding with Orange Democratic Movement Secretary General Anyang' Nyong'o, addressed impatient party supporters at 10.30pm on Saturday.
He declined to identify himself but went ahead to read a list of results that he referred to as provisional. He started by declaring Shakeel Shabbir as the Kisumu East parliamentary nominee.
For Nyando, Kisumu West and Muhoroni, where voting was still going on at the time of announcement, former MPs Fred Outa, Olago Aluoch and Ayiecho Olweny were declared winners respectively. Ochola Ogoda was announced the winner for the senate seat while in Seme constituency no winner was declared.
Mlolongo results indicated Dr James Nyikal was ahead of the rest.
Heated reactions
Hell broke loose when he announced Prime Minister Raila Odinga's sister, Ruth Odinga, as the ODM governor nominee. This sparked reactions from ODM supporters who began protesting following an earlier announcement that Jack Ranguma had clinched the governor ticket.
The angry crowd reacted violently, with one General Service Unit officer was hit by a stone on the head.
This prompted security officers at the scene to lob teargas canisters to disperse the protesting youth before the team that announced the results was escorted out of the venue.
Tension had been heightened by the long wait supporters had to endure for the release of the results. At 9pm, the impatient crowd attempted to force their way into the college.

List of ODM nominees as submitted to IEBC

Updated Wednesday, January 23 2013 at 00:00 GMT+3
Women Representative-Florence Mwikali Mutua
Siaya County
Gubernatorial -Cornelus Arasanga Amoth
Senatorial -Hon. James Orengo
Women Representative-Emily Agnes Awitta
Kisumu County
Gubernatorial -Jackson Ranguma
Senatorial -Hon. Prof. Peter Anyang' Nyong'o
Women Representative-Rose Auma Ogendo Nyamunga
Homa Bay County
Gubernatorial -Cyprian Otieno Awiti
Senatorial -Gerald Otieno Kajwang
Women Representative-Gladys Atieno Nyasuna Wanga
Migori County
Gubernatorial -Prof. Edward Oyugi Akongo
Deputy Governor-Anne Omodho Anyanga
Senatorial -Hon. Wilfred Gisuka Machage
Women Representative-Susan Millie Owino
Kisii County
Gubernatorial -Hon. James Elvis Omariba Ongwae
Senatorial -Christopher Mogere Obure
fredrick Ja Gem24 January 2013 3:25 PM ODM should stop fooling around with luo Nyanza people,the days of party euphoria is over,the days of imposing leaders to people is a "thing of da past" Let Raila and his party know that we need change in our region and NOT BIG names like Nyong'o,Midiwo,Oburu,Kajwang' and other non performing leaders,Odingaism will never exist in luo Nyanza if this is the case,common mwananchis' right cannot be violated by some few characters in the name of ODM...ON that note right now am mobilizing Siaya county residents to vote candidates of their choice and not party....Dictatorship should be stopped and democracy be exercised,we are perishing because we lack knowledge and wisdom nnktt.
Esther Wanga24 January 2013 10:16 AM Clearly ODM.Can you revise your list otherwise Raila wont see my vote.I'd rather vote Uhuru.dont u think you are hurting people???Mr Bett???Can you give us the people we chose.I'm disappointed particularly for Homabay County_Rangwe constituency.You replaced the MP we chose together with all the county reps.How do you explain Position 5 securing a certificate??????DEMOCRATIC INDEED!!!You'll be in for a rude shock!Keep up you mulpractices!!
PAUL TWENYO from Homabay24 January 2013 9:46 AM Sincerely,I am greatly disappointed with ODM party,I have just realized it has its owners,wait for a rude shock on 4th of MARCH 2013,we cannot continue suffering at expense of other peoples benefit,it is in Nyanza where a meter from fresh water lake is a desert,and it in Kisumu where 20litre water goes 20 Kenya shillings during dry season yet, fresh water lake is at stone throw.We must be allowed to elect those we feel can meet our needs "Nitawakataa" come rain, come sunshine.
JARAE24 January 2013 8:56 AM We are not happy with the way Raila dictates luo Nyanza.Nyong'o and Midiwo did not win.This is a total shame and should have just gone ahead to include Oburu and Ruth.Shame
Victor JaAlego23 January 2013 6:46 PM Guys, RAO is not OMNIPOTENT, in fact he was sitting somwhere sipping his tea.Your fury is directed to the wrong person.The National Election Board are to blame and surely something is happening.The corrupt parted with money and will be drained down the loo.ODM is the party to beat like it or not.
Ndege23 January 2013 6:37 PM ODM if that is the way democracy is done then i aint voting any ODM candidate. surely we are no robots they should have seen the mood on the ground imposing leaders on people and its the electorate who have the voice that's a big NO. Like Muhoroni the so called Prof was beaten yet he was handed nomination. rude shock is awaiting ODM on 4th March.
Elphas Osii23 January 2013 4:43 PM I cant believe what has just happened....if that is the so called Democracy,Jakom,watch these space on 4/3/2013.....
Siasa Kali23 January 2013 1:18 PM Please, this is not what we want or expected, why leave all the preferred nominees and pick your own for the specific sits? Was the nomination process for formality? Wait and see, come 04/03/2013, i know i'm not alone, we will serve you right. I now understand the internal dictatorship within the ODM that sent away all the PENTAGON members.
Thugs attack Judge probing Tana clashes
Updated 5 hrs 7 mins ago
NAIROBI, KENYA: A High Court Judge was on Wednesday night carjacked and kidnapped in a robbery incident in her Karen home, Nairobi.
Lady Justice Grace Nzioka was driving into her compound at about 10 pm when she was confronted by five heavily armed men.
The Judge, who chairs a commission investigating the Tana River clashes that have claimed more than 160 lives and displaced thousands of people, told police that she was alone in her official car when gunmen who seemed to have been waiting struck.
Taking her hostage, they forced her into her house and ransacked it. The attackers confiscated several documents, a laptop, television set and other electronics.
The Judge's husband, who is a businessman, drove in during the robbery unaware of the attack. The gang also took him hostage for hours as they demanded cash and other unclear "information".
Police say the gang later abducted the two and drove with them out of their compound to Dagoretti area where they withdrew more than Sh40,000 from their ATM accounts.
They then took them to Kangemi area where they abandoned the two in the darkness and directed them to where they would leave the cars.
The Judge and her husband later drove back to their residence after they alerted police.
Police, who are still investigating the attack, have questioned why Nzioka's personal body guard and a police officer stationed at the Judge's home were unarmed at the time of the incident.
Detectives who visited the scene say their preliminary analysis shows that the gang was interested in the Judge's laptop.
"We believe the other items they stole were just a cover up and their interest was in the laptop which they took. We are investigating," said a senior police officer.
Nairobi Area head of police operations Wilfred Mbithi says no arrest or recovery has been made so far.
Judge Nzioka chairs a commission that is investigating Tana River clashes that have so far claimed 160 lives.
She was scheduled to officially release the report on the clashes on Friday after hearing evidence from more than 130 witnesses.
The night attack is believed to be linked to the report that the commission was compiling.
The incident comes a week after lands permanent secretary Ms Dorothy Angote and her husband were attacked in similar incident in their Lavington estate, Nairobi.
Their car is yet to be recovered after they were carjacked and robbed.
The couple was attacked last Wednesday night and robbed before they were dumped in a coffee plantation in Kikuyu.
According to police, Angote and her husband were driving to their home when they were attacked by three gunmen who had posed as her security guards.
Apparently the thugs had earlier attacked the security guards at the compound, stripped them of their uniforms and tied them in a corner. The thugs later wore the guards' uniforms and positioned themselves in the compound.
When the couple arrived at about 10pm, the thugs ushered them in before holding them at gunpoint. According to reports, the gang was armed with AK47 rifles.
Angote and her husband were then driven around the city before they were abandoned in a coffee plantation past midnight. They were later rescued by police after villagers found them tied to a tree in the coffee plantation.
Police who saw them said they were unhurt. On Wednesday, police said they were yet to make an arrest or recovery of the car.
Detectives handling the case said they have a clue on who the gunmen were but they are yet to know the motive and were trailing them.
Police said the thugs also stole the couple's X-Trail car, jewelry, cash, an iPad and other personal valuables.

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