[wanabidii] Hon William Ruto; Agenda Kenya

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Dear Oto,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Kindly share with us any link to the interview, if you have.

I'm just wondering aloud, was there anything Ruto said that was truthful and worth reporting or he lied all through the interview?

            Cell: +256 756 116 303
       E-mail: oduyaericson@gmail.com

I have tasted the wines of His love,
         smelt the fragrance of His grace,
            My God reigns, and that is,
                  enough for my soul.


From: odhiambo okecth <komarockswatch@yahoo.com>
To: PK <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Wanabidii <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>; YP <youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>; NYSA <nysa1@googlegroups.com>; Friends of KCDN Group <friendsofkcdn@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:05 AM
Subject: [PK] Hon William Ruto; Agenda Kenya

I watched Hon William Ruto yesterday at Agenda Kenya on NTV and I was shocked at how William can lie without blinking an eye.
He was asked why he advocated for the Hague option and he said that all along he has been for a local tribunal and never did he at any one time advocate for Hague. LIE.
He was asked about he role as the Organizing Secretary of Youth for Kanu '92 and he said he was only a choir member for YK'92. He even said that Munywa Waiyaki was the Secretary of YK'92- another LIE.
But what baffled me most, Jason was not prepared for this show. He should have had any of the several clips where William had gone over board and put him to task.
The Moderators for the envisaged Presidential Debate in November must be prepared with facts to carpet our leaders. We do not need brazen lairs for leaders.
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