[wanabidii] ​Jihad, revolt and self-defence grip Central Mali (M&G Africa)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
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Mail & Guardian Africa
African Truth
15 Nov 2016
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​Jihad, revolt and self-defence grip Central Mali
​Jihad, revolt and self-defence grip Central Mali
However, it would be false to attribute political violence in this region solely to groups embracing jihad.
​IMF approves biggest ever mideast loan to revive Egypt's flagging economy
​IMF approves biggest ever mideast loan to revive Egypt's flagging economy
The Washington-based lender's executive board approved the three-year loan last week Friday.
​Is Bitcoin the answer to Zimbabwe's currency woes? Some economists think so
​Is Bitcoin the answer to Zimbabwe's currency woes? Some economists think so
Zimbabwe's economic malaise could be eased by monetary reform – but the real challenge is a political one.
Populism rises in the West — is Africa next in line?
Populism rises in the West — is Africa next in line?
As Francis Fukuyama said: "Populism is a label placed by elites on policies that ordinary people like but that they don't like."
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