Message 10765 -- Oct. 18, 2016
I speak unto thee this day and I say in the days of old when King Ahab married into Jezebel he married into death. That is, he married into death for my people, he married into death for my prophets, and I say that he married into death for himself. I say all the while he chose what he chose because he wanted his way. I say that it turned his heart away from me, and it caused him to lose out and to meet premature death and be devoured. I say that his house was destroyed because of his transgression against me. I say consider do not make covenants with those things that will bring evil upon you, and devour the way. That is, the way of truth, and light, that I have given unto you and take you far from me. For I say you are not meant to live in unbelief, you are not meant to live in accusation, and hatred for truth. But I say you are meant to keep in the straight, the narrow way that I provide.
I say this day when men will marry their own way, their own desire, their own will above my way, I say they are choosing a covenant with death. I say they are choosing a way that will bring damnation of their souls. Not only to themselves but to their generations and destroy their house, that is because they choose in opposition to me. I say this day you are living in times when you can see the consequence that has come because of evil choices, bad choices against me. That is, the sins of the fathers are being visited upon the children and they are the ones who are knowing the cruelty of Jezebel's rule. That is, they are knowing what it is to bear the cruelty, the oppression, the murder of truth, and the destruction of life. I say they are under such a domain because of the sins of their fathers against me. That is, their fathers chose to marry the world, chose to marry strange gods, chose to marry idolatry and adultery and it is the children who pay. I say they are born into darkness, they are steeped in witchcraft, and their hearts are hard towards me. I say they suffer the anguish of bad choices, evil choices against me that they have not even made themselves. I say it is because the fathers went a whoring and chose to deviate against me.
I say this day when you see the utter cruelty, deep and dark oppressive darkness that is over the land, when you see how easily people murder and destroy human lives why is it so? I say that it is because their fathers went a whoring and estranged themselves from me. I say this day that I the Living God am giving the call throughout the earth for all men every where to repent. That is, to repent, to change their ways and be brought forth in me. I say when any will truly repent, that is amend and change that means that I the Living God will renew them, uplift them, and guide them forth. But I say when men will stubbornly, proudly cling to their whoredom, remain in their false marriages, remain in their false covenants, and remain under Jezebel's rule then I say that cruelty is the consequence of the same. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to be a partaker of the cruelty, the oppression, the darkness, that evidences itself in these times. But I say that I call you to be a partaker of all that I give day by day.
I say that it is me the Living God who does give the truth, the light, the mercy and the hope day by day. It is me the Living God who will ever uplift, guide forth, and direct any and all who believes upon me. Therefore I say in these wicked times let it be me that you will look unto and believe. Let it be me the Living God who will guide you forth and you can indeed be found ever rejoicing in me. I say you are not meant to be ruled by the cruelty, the oppression, the darkness, the murder that is found under the Jezebelian rule. That is, what comes of false covenants, false marriages, and false love affairs with the world. I say you are meant to be ever faithful and true unto me, being guided, directed, and corrected by me. I say you are meant to be thankful that I am the one who will keep you as you keep your confidence in me. I say when you look what it is that has befallen humankind, when you look at how much murder has transpired, how many lives have been devoured and destroyed, how much blood has been shed by the Jezebelian rule, I say that it is the consequence of men choosing against me. I say that it is the consequence of the sins of the fathers visited upon the children and their generations likewise.
I say this day be careful what choices you make, do not choose to oppose me not in any disguise. But I say instead be thankful to be uplifted, guided, and directed by me. I say be thankful that I give you the truth, the light, the mercy, and strength revealed. I say be thankful that I will show you exactly who I am. I say this day when you hear of the agendas of wickedness, when you hear of the plots of the evil and all of their schemes to destroy human lives, remember this. That it is me the Living God who reigns supreme, that it is me the Living God who considers the nations but a drop in the bucket before me. I say it is me the Living God who can bring all of the clever agendas, the plotted schemes and dreams and hopes of the wicked to naught. I say that I am indeed the I AM God. I say that it is me the Living God who is far above wicked men in all of their scheming and plotting, and dreaming I say that it is me the Living God who brings them to naught. I say in the end of it all they face hell forever for all of the wickedness they have done in this earth. I say while they think they will rule the world, it is not true. I say that it is me the Living God who can easily snatch their lives in the midst of their power and they bring forth nothing except their own destruction.
Therefore do not live in fear nor tremble at the plots of the wicked doers, at the plots of the evil for I say that it is me the Living God who will keep my own. I say that the ones who choose to be ruled by me can do so in this life. I say that it is a joy unto me when men and women will choose me, will choose my way. That is, choose to be uplifted, directed, and ever guided day by day. I say this day be glad that you can be believing, that you can be trusting, that you can be hoping in me. I say be thankful that I am the one who will ever direct, correct, and guide you forth. I say be thankful that I am the one who gives you exactly what you need to be guided, directed, and shown the way, the light, the truth of who I am. I say this day be glad to believe upon me, to trust me, and obey me each day. I say be thankful that I am the one that you are meant to be united unto. I say be thankful that I am the one who does ever uplift, lead and guide. I say that I purpose my own to be kept by me.
I say this day when you look upon the way that I give, the truth, the light, that I provide, I say keep steady in me. I say so many have succumbed to the Jezebelian covering that is not only deceit and murder, and bloodshed, and hatred but it is likewise unbelief. I say that the end of the Jezebelian scheme is to turn men away from me. To get them to accept the falsity, the vanity, the stupidity of the idols of Jezebel and follow the same. I say this day that I the Living God never called you to serve idols, not in any disguise. I say when you see the ones who are promoting the worship of idols they are not serving me. I say they are proving to be unfaithful, untrue, they are proving to be disobedient, and full of whoredom and wine. I say they are proving to be unworthy of me. I say this day be thankful that I the Living God will ever uplift, direct, and guide you forth for you are meant to stay ever faithful unto me. That is, to remain in the straight, the narrow way of truth and light and mercy revealed, and to be uplifted, brought forth, and ever guided in my way, and to be given the truth, the light, the mercy revealed for I will give unto you the same.
I say that I the Living God am giving the call to any who will hear me and obey me that they can indeed be guided by me. That is, that they can be uplifted in the truth, the light, the mercy, the strength of who I am. That they can be purposed in that which I give for I am indeed well able. That is, I am able to give truth, light, mercy, hope, and peace to the ones who will believe, they will receive of me. I say this day keep your vision single, keep your hope aright that is upon me day after day. I say do not succumb to unbelief, for the same will cause evil to flood into your heart. I say when unbelief has mastered a man then I say that he hates me, he rails against me, he despises my people and wants to murder them.
I say that it is because he has set his course on unbelief, rather than keeping his faith in me. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to be envious of the wicked, nor to live in the fear of them. But I say that I call you to bind up the forces of darkness, evil, and iniquity that rule in their lives. That is, to bind up the unlimited power they imagine themselves to have. That they will realize that they are nothing but mere men as susceptible to death. I say that the very death they plan for so many can be returned unto them. I say that it is me the Living God who can snatch them in the middle of their dreams, and their schemes and cast them into hell forever. Therefore I say do not live in the fear of wicked and evil doers but I say be respecting and fearing me. I say that it is me the Living God who desires that you would keep your vows, your covenants unto me, finish the course that is set before you, and walk uprightly in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of righteousness, truth, strength and hope, and mercy provided. It is me the Living God who will direct, correct, and instruct any and all who believes upon me. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to give way to rebellion, which is the key note of the Jezebelian rule. But I say that I call you to cause those demon forces to be bound, to be driven out, and overwhelmed.
I say you are not meant to live in defeat, you are not meant to live in the fear of evil, but I say you are meant to be walking in respect and honor towards me. You are meant to be thankful for the way of truth and light, that I provide. I say that it is indeed a good thing to keep on trusting, serving, and walking uprightly in me, day after day. I say that it is a good thing to partake of all that I give you for I am well able. That is, I am able to give the light upon the path, I am able to give you truth and strength, and hope intended. I say that I am able to guide forth if you will continue to trust, to believe, to look to me. I say this day be rejoicing for the privilege you have been given to be uplifted, and guided, for the privilege you have been given to be shown my truth. I say be rejoicing that I am the one who will ever guide you in light. I say be thankful that you do not need to cower to demons and be overwhelmed by them.
But I say that you can know of a surety it is me the Living God who will redeem the ones who keep their trust, their faith in me. I say that it is a privilege to know that it is me the Living God who has declared war and I say that my war is not over. I say that I am exposing, revealing and bringing down the Jezebelian rule that has brought so much death in this earth. I say that I am exposing the work of those who want to make others worship their idols and bow to the same. I say you are not meant to be turned from me, but I say you are meant to increase in faith, in trust, in confidence in me. I say you are meant to declare to all the call to repent, that men can change and be restored unto me, renewed in the life that I provide. I say give thanks, give praise.
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