[wanabidii] How an Ebola campaign in Nigeria discouraged bushmeat consumption (M&G Africa)

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
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Mail & Guardian Africa
African Truth
01 Nov 2016
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How an Ebola campaign in Nigeria discouraged bushmeat consumption
How an Ebola campaign in Nigeria discouraged bushmeat consumption
Since the outbreak of Ebola in west Africa a number of countries have launched information campaigns to curb the consumption of bushmeat.
Donald Trump's rigged election comments a
Donald Trump's rigged election comments a "gift to dictators", say Africans
Long-serving rulers who have faced U.S. criticism in the past are already using Trump's remarks to counter Washington's pro-democracy message.
Tanzania's social media policing increases the risks of government abuse
Tanzania's social media policing increases the risks of government abuse
Until recently few African countries had legislation related to ​cybercrime​. Police may need further training to deal with digital offences.
Desperate bid to resolve oil impasse in Nigeria
Desperate bid to resolve oil impasse in Nigeria
The government will meet with community leaders and militant leaders hoping to put an end to armed attacks that have dented the country's oil output.
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