[wanabidii] How dogs can save elephants

Thursday, May 28, 2015
Help us expand our canine detection units.
Dear Wanabidii,

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to sneak ivory through an airport. That's why I train dogs like Diva.

She's a team player who is serious about tracking illegal wildlife contraband. And that makes her more than just “man's best friend” – she's an elephant's best friend, too.

Your steady support allows dogs like Diva to get the job done so poachers can no longer profit from killing animals. Will you join us with a monthly gift now and help us expand our canine teams?

As AWF's head canine trainer, I pair up energetic, friendly young pups with handlers to create unstoppable anti-trafficking teams. Over the course of the training program, handlers form unbreakable bonds with their animal companions.

I love sending our dogs to Africa's airports and seaports knowing that they will successfully track down illegal wildlife contraband and stop poachers. And I know we can make a serious dent in this gruesome industry if we just get more teams on the ground.

Please make a monthly gift in support of these driven dogs and their handlers today. We can make it impossible for smugglers to move ivory and rhino horn across borders – and that will hit poachers where it really hurts.
Thank you for joining me,
Will Powell
Conservation Canine Program
Help more eager dogs like Diva protect Africa's wildlife year-round.
Our dogs are naturally driven to sniff out ivory and rhino horn and they love what they do – you can see it in their faces (and tails)! I urge you to help more canine teams do what they do best. Please give monthly now. The future of Africa's wildlife depends on it.
Donate With Confidence
African Wildlife Foundation
1400 Sixteenth Street, NW  |  Suite 120 Washington, DC 20036
www.awf.org  |  Support Us  |  1-888-494-5354
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Photos courtesy of Canine Specialist Services International


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