[wanabidii] The JewishPress.com Got Hacked Edition - April 15, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

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April 15, 2015 / 26 Nisan 5775



Headlines & Recommended

A Simple Gift to the Ones Who Deserve a Treasure
United Hatzalah program honors our survivors, war veterans with specialized medical care
Ten Kavod Woman

JewishPress.com Gets Spray Painted
Pardon our disappearance, the JewishPress.com website was hacked overnight.
JP Hacked Photo

Obama Gift List to Former Enemies Continues: Cuba Plucked from Terrorism Sponsor List
The US is removing Cuba from list of state sponsors of terrorism. But Cuba's recent BFF, Iran, doesn't have such a clean record.
Cuba's Raul Castro and Iran's former leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Corker-Menendez Bill So Bipartisan that Even Obama No Longer Objects
Congressional oversight of Iran bill unanimously passes Committee, President no longer threatens veto.
U.S. President Barack Obama

The Effective Way to Combat Anti-Israel Activity on Campus: Public Relations
Today, pro-Israel students can use social and digital media to combat the lies being propagated.
Brooklyn College

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