[wanabidii] Israeli rescue planes to Nepal, Obama's email hacked, Abbas' son loses in court- April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

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April 26, 2015 / 7 Iyyar 5775



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Why Vote for Torah?
Vying for dominance in the WZO election, are movements within our nation which seek to undermine and subvert Orthodox Judaism.
Vote Torah Logo

Israeli Rescue Planes on Way to Nepal as 2nd Quake Hits; 2,000 Dead [video]
Several Israelis suffered light injuries but 150 still have made no contact with officials.
Israeli search and rescue soldiers on the way to board plane for Nepal.

Russian Hackers Reading Obama's Personal E-mails
The emails are unclassified but include sensitive information of correspondence with ambassadors.
What Obama does not say but write on personal emails now is known to Russian hackers.

Abbas' Son Loses $10 Million Libel Suit in US Court
The PA and leftists lost twice in US courts, which threw out suits for libel and a claim against settlers' "terrorist attacks."
USAID recipient Tarek Abbas, son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud.

Police Arrest Suspect in Jerusalem Hit-and-Run Terrorist Attack
Arabs call for state of mourning, meaning a state of riots, after knife-wielding terrorist killed when he stabbed solider.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat inside the ambulance evacuating a wounded police officer after an Arab hit-and-run terrorist attack Saturday night.

Peres & Associates Turning Political Cache into Millions in Cash
The idea behind Peres & Associates came to life two years or so before the end of President Shimon Peres' term in office, when his team began planning the next phase in his career.
Shimon Peres

The Gap between Fairness and Safety: WMDs in Iraq and Iran
Obama's desire to be "fair" enables Iran to get nuclear weapons which will threaten global security
President Obama

World Zionist Congress Elections Last Call
Groups promoting anti-Israel/anti-Jewish BDS right on their websites are running in the WZC election
World Zionist Congress elections end April 30.

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