[wanabidii] Four Years On: The Costs of War in Syria

Monday, March 09, 2015

Dear Colleague,

This Sunday, 15 March, will mark the fourth anniversary of the protests that began Syria's slide into conflict.  Beginning today, and over the course of this week, we will release a new piece each day by one of our experts highlighting the growing political, cultural and humanitarian costs of the conflict and what they will mean for the future of Syria.


You can read the first piece now on our spotlight page Four Years On: The Costs of War in Syria. You can also interact with us about our work and share your own perspectives on Syria via Twitter and Facebook.

With best wishes,

Dr Neil Quilliam
Acting Head, Middle East and North Africa Programme

Director, Syria and its Neighbours Policy Initiative


Tim Eaton
Manager, Syria and its Neighbours Policy Initiative
+44 (0)20 7314 3653


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