[wanabidii] GOD'S WORD FOR THE NEW YEAR -2015!

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Jan. 1, 2015
I speak unto thee this day and I say expect in the times that are ahead to see many strange things. That is, to see many strange things in terms of my signs, my wonders, my miracles that I bring forth. I say do not expect that you will know exactly what it is that transpires for you will not. I say that I desire that all men would know and recognize that it is me the Living God who reigns supreme. It is me the Living God who shall show forth as it pleases me, upon a wicked, a perverse, a vile generation so shall my demonstrations arise. But I say likewise to those who will indeed thoroughly repent, I say that I will give demonstrations of my mercy. Yes indeed a people will know, understand, and realize what it is to walk uprightly in me. It is me the Living God alone who is able, it is me the Living God who shall prevail and it is me the Living God who shall bring forth.
I say in the times that are ahead, I say let your expectation, let your hope be ever in me. For I say you are not meant to look upon the chastisement, the punishment, the wrath that I show forth upon the wicked and receive the same into your bosom. But I say you are meant to look upon those things that increase in the fear, the respect of me. For I say that it is me the Living God you are meant to be serving, you are meant to be walking in obedience unto, day by day. It is me the Living God you are meant to follow after for I am indeed the I AM God. I say that I the Living God will correct and instruct the ones who will serve me in the way of gratitude day by day. That is, the ones who will be thankful to perceive, receive, and be ever guided forth by me.
I say when a people will cleave to me, believe in me, and hope in me, I say that I show forth my mercy, my blessedness unto them. But I say that the ones who walk afar off from me, I say they will know the sorrow of the same. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to walk in sorrow, but I say that I call you to come forth in my joy. I say that I call you to be thankful each day for the privilege to repent, for the privilege to be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION for it is indeed the humility way of my life. So I say if man will truly remain in me, then I say that he must fight the good fight, that is continue in the revolution all the days of his life. I say that he must be willing to estrange himself from the world, the vanity of the same, and even his own carnality.
For I say that I the Living God do not intend that my own people would be overwhelmed and overtaken. But I say that I do intend that they would come forth victorious in me. That is, uplifted in the strength, the truth, the mercy, the light that I give you each and every day, and brought forth each and every day, that it is me that they are privileged to look unto and believe. For I say when a people will cleave to me, then they are brought forth by me.
I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to thirst for the excitement that pertains to the world for it is nothing but seducing spirits. I say when men and women will give themselves over to such excitement it passes away. I say that a man will pant after that which he is meant to have, then there is nothing that comes forth from it all, except a greater lust, a greater thirst for the forbidden, and I say the he will be damned in the pursuit of the same. But I say when a man will put his desire upon me, and long for me, then I say that he will receive the steady increase day after day. I say that he is able to be uplifted, brought forth, guided, and directed in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say this day that I the Living God am thoroughly sickened at the condition that men have allowed themselves to get into, by their lust, their greed, their longing for that which I do not intend for them. I say that is me the Living God who is giving forth the call to all men to repent that they would indeed be found abiding in me.
I say in the times that are ahead, consider that I the Living God will bring down, I say that I will devastate, and I say that I will allow to be brought to ruination the proud. But I say that the ones who will walk humbly be kept steady through it all. Therefore I say rejoice that it is me the Living God who will prove to be the light, the strength, and the mercy unto you each and every day. That is, if you continue to believe, to receive, to trust in me. I say this day that I the Living God do intend that my own people would increase in their knowledge of me, by serving me. That is not by what they learn in books, but what they learn by living the life with me. I say that I do expect that the ones who repent would walk out, would live out the repentant lifestyle in me. For I say that a man who continues in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION will not find it hard to remain in my humility way. But I say that a man who is ever striving against me is simply longing for his own destruction.
I say this day when you see the fools in the parade, I say do not absolutely do not moved by them. That is in the sense that you allow yourself to grow discouraged and distraught because some men are fools. For I say that fools have always been, and fools will always be yet I say if a fool will thoroughly repent, amend, and change his ways he can be transformed by me. But I say if men will persist and insist in their foolery, then know they are damned in hell. I say this day that I the Living God never called you to damnation but I say that I have called you to the salvation that is found in me. Therefore I say cherish the mercy and the truth, the light, and the strength that I give each and every day. I say in the times of great sorrow, and wrath revealed upon the wretched, the lost, the dying, the perishing, and the ones who are hating me, I say that it is me the Living God who will extend my mercy to all who will repent. That is, if men will truly accept my invitation, my calling to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and give themselves thoroughly over to the same, then they will know my mercy in the midst of wrath revealed. I say that they will be able to rejoice that it is me they can look unto and be glad always.
I say this day that I the Living God am giving forth the edict and I expect it to be obeyed, that you are literally forbidden to go down under the despair that is meant for the ones who are afar off from me. That is, you are forbidden to give yourself over to the covering of futility, to the covering of fear, to the covering of hopelessness, that is found upon them. I say you are meant to keep yourselves in hope and trust, and confidence in me, each and every day. I say consider that when I the Living God do tell you do not transgress against me in such a way, that I have plenty of reason for the same. I say that I know the power of the spirits that have been unleashed against the ungodly and you are not meant to sup with them. That is, you are not meant to take a little drink, take a little portion and eat of the same all to your own damnation. But I say you are meant to keep rejoicing, being thankful and serving in gladness each and every day. I say you are not called to damnation, you are called to salvation in me. I say that you must endure unto the end, and thereby be saved.
So I say this day be glad for the times that you are in, for I say they are mercy unto the just. I say likewise be glad for the times that you are in, for I say they are punishment to the unjust, the wicked, the vile who have corrupted themselves. I say be thankful even now that it is me the Living God who offers to you the way of tender mercy, the way of loving kindness, and the way of goodness revealed. I say be thankful each day that as you will believe and cleave to me, that you are brought forth in my way. I say be thankful that I will give to you the infinite mercy, the loving kindness, and the goodness that can only be found through me.
I say this day count it a privilege to keep on serving, to keep on loving, to keep on following after. I say count it a privilege to be knowing that through me so are you given the newness of life that I provide. I say count it a privilege to be uplifted, directed, and ever guided in the blessedness, the truth, the light that I give each and every day. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of righteousness revealed, it is me the Living God who is the truth, the mercy, and the hope, and the peace provided to those who are chose in me. But I say that the ones who are choosing to be losing will be losing all the more. For I say while they are so deceived by pride and by the lies of the liar, they think they are gaining something what do they gain? I say they gain emptiness, futility, despair and hopelessness and I say they are damned through it all. But I say that I the Living God do offer hope unto any and all who will repent, I say be thankful for the same.
I say mount up in more of the offensive of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION for it is my time to do so. I say that it is imperative that all men will hear that call for I say that I the Living God have ordained it to be so. Therefore I say do not grow lazy, nor discontented, nor discouraged but I say give forth the call all the more. That is, that men and women and children will turn from wickedness, will be returned to me, and walk uprightly in me. For yes indeed there is trouble in the land and the trouble shall increase and increase, and increase with great darkness coming day by day.
But I say to the ones who are indeed obeying me there shall be greater light, I say that the light shall be greater thn the darkness to those who believe. But I say I say that the ones who refuse me who accuse me and abuse me, I say that the darkness shall overwhelm them. I say this day be glad for the privilege to trust, believe, and look to me, the author and the finisher of thy faith. I say be thankful that you can indeed be directed, corrected, and brought forth by me. I say when you see a fool choose against me, I say that you are not meant to take that offensive action and let it bear down on thee. But I say you are meant to realize that the fool has proved he is unworthy of me. I say you are meant to rejoice that it is me the Living God who is indeed continuing to call men to repent.
I say in the days, in the year ahead of you, I say you will see many sorrowful sights but I say you are not meant to take on the same as wretchedness that you are worthy to receive. But I say that you are meant to know, understand and realize that men bear the consequence of their choices against me. I say when men will choose the way of darkness and evil and iniquity, I say there is nothing that comes to them except the same. I say they get an increase, and an increase, and an increase until they are destroyed by the very things they have chosen in opposition to me.
I say be encouraged that I the Living God will show astounding mercy to the ones who will sincerely cry out in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION unto me. I say to the ones who are faithful, ever diligent, and steadfast in the path that I give them, I say that I give the reward of the righteous. I say that I will cause my people to rejoice that is my true ones when they look upon the distressful days. That is, because they will know that I reign supreme. I say this day, do not, absolutely do not attribute more power to evil than you do to me. That is, do not be living in fear and trembling, of the agendas of the wicked, but know that it is me the Living God who is higher than they. Know that it is me the Living God who can devastate and bring them down to total ruination as I please. I say the more that a people will hope, believe, and trust in me, the more that my righteousness shall prevail. I say therefore do not look at the fools who are burning out their candle and will be damned in it all, and think they have something that will remain for it will not. I say that it is me the Living God who shall indeed prevail. It is me the Living God who shall indeed show to men once again that I am the Almighty God.
Therefore I say in the days that are coming up, I say be thankful, continually thankful unto me. That indeed you can walk in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, declare the same and be found abiding in my humility way. That you can come forth ever strengthened, directed, and ever guided in the truth, the light, the blessedness, of who I am. I say that it is indeed a privilege to believe, receive and be ever guided forth by me. I say that it is a privilege to be a partaker of all that I offer, of all that I give unto my own. I say be thankful for the times you are in, for it is me the Living God who will reveal exactly who I am. That is, I am , the I AM.

Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!
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