[Mabadiliko] An engineer on water/NR is wanted

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Dear all,

An organization (RAIN/SEARNET) is looking for a young engineer to be employed on contract basis for 2 years and work in Lake zone. He/she need to know lake zone local language (Sukuma). Any one interested please contact Eng. F.C. Kahimba (PhD, PE) for more details.


Dear Dr. Kahimba, 
Many thanks for your positive response!
We are looking for a young person (around 20/25), preferably someone who has a degree in natural resource management with a specialisation in water. Or an engineer who knows about arid lands and water. This person would be engaged in a program we run in Igunga for 2 years. While we would employ the person full-time, he or she would spend most of the time in Igunga with the local partner Heifer. Part of the program is also that he or she will be trained as an expert in water for the dutch water sector. The scheme is partly financed by the dutch government through YEP water. http://www.yepwater.com/en/local-young-experts-2
 Looking forward to hearing from you and many thanks in advance!

Met vriendelijke groet,
With kind regards,

Maarten Onneweer
Programs and consultancies

Barentszplein 7
1013 NJ Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 581 82 63

Eng. F.C. Kahimba (PhD, PE)
Deputy Director, Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC)
Senior Lecturer in Soil Water Management and Farm Structures
Dept of Agricultural Engineering & Land Planning (DAELP)
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
P. O. Box 3003 Morogoro, TANZANIA
Tel: +255232604216;  Fax: +255232604562; Home: +255716830036
Cell: +255712966333; +25578910600; +255765173400

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