JIRCAS, through international collaborative research, one of the schemes of its main activities, aims to provide scientific solutions to the various problems confronting the countries in the developing regions of the world, particularly in the areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. In line with this scheme, JIRCAS launched the JIRCAS Visiting Research Fellowship Program in 1992. Since then, every year, JIRCAS invites promising researchers from research organizations in developing countries to conduct research work under the supervision of JIRCAS researchers.
This fellowship program has two types namely, 'Tsukuba-Okinawa' and 'Project Site'. Under the former type, the fellowship research is carried out either in Okinawa or Tsukuba. This year, however, all the proposed research themes will be carried out at the JIRCAS Headquarters in Tsukuba. On the other hand, fellowship research under the 'Project Site' type is conducted at research institutes in developing countries where JIRCAS is currently implementing collaborative research projects. This year, only one research theme is submitted for this fellowship.
Five (5) slots under the Tsukuba Fellowship and one under the Project Site Fellowshipare open for application this year.
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