Depressed IT worker quits job after being 'paid too much'
Updated Wednesday, November 6th 2013 at 17:03 GMT +3inShaA disgruntled computer programmer quit his job after complaining to bosses that he was being paid too much.
While common complaints from unhappy employees usually stem from wages being too low, IT worker Sandeep Jia quit his £450-a-month job for the opposite reason.
'I was getting depressed, and in the end I decided to solve the problem by leaving and looking for a different job,' he explained.
The 32-year-old repeatedly asked for his pay to be cut as his wealth made him feel 'guilty' when others in Bangalore, India, lived in poverty.
But when his request for a lower wage was repeatedly ignored by bosses he decided to hand in his resignation.
Psychologists believe the feeling of guilt is a growing problem in the country where there is such a huge disparity in wealth.
More than 844million people in India live below the poverty line, according to the World Health Organisation, around 80 per cent of the country's population.
Adaptred from The Metro
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