Salute to our fallen Goma hero
By Mobhare Matinyi, The Citizen. Posted Thursday, September 5 2013 at 23:09
The death of our infantry officer, Major Khatib Mshindo, in Goma is another reminder that Tanzania People's Defence Forces (TPDF), famously known by its Swahili acronym as JWTZ, is an exemplary African liberation force.
The commander, who was buried in Zanzibar a few days ago, lost his life on August 28 in a terrorist-like attack by an unknown assailant that also injured ten others. He is the first Tanzanian soldier to die in the peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Upon receiving news of the death of Major Mshindo, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, condemned the killing of the peacekeeper, while his Special Representative and head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (Monusco), Martin Kobler, expressed outrage saying: "Major Mshindo sacrificed his life to protect civilians in Goma".
Tanzanian troops are part of the UN special peace enforcing forces with the mandate to attack officially known as Force Intervention Brigade (FIB), which was established within Monusco under the UN Security Council Resolution 2098 of March 2013.
The essence of FIB deployment came after years of unsuccessful Monusco operations despite having almost 20,000 uniformed personnel supported by annual budget of about $1.5 billion. The Tanzanian-led FIB, which includes South Africa and Malawi, comes from the member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The DRC is a member state of SADC as well.
The reputable regional organization, SADC, which originates from the Tanzanian-formed Front Line States of the 1970s, and later Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC), is credited as the most stable and well-organised regional body in the continent that flourishes because of the mutual trust among member states.
The Congolese crisis has been going on for a while, but currently the culprit is the March 23 Movement (M23), which has decided to cause mayhem to the Congolese people causing their mineral wealth to be stolen day and night. Why should the Congolese be killed by their fellow Africans because of their God-given wealth? Why?
The plight facing the Congolese is the main reason why Tanzanian troops are there in the first place. We, as Tanzanians, cannot allow the madness going on in the DRC to continue forever completely unabated simply because the perpetrators are our fellow Africans. Murderers are murderers regardless of their origin.
One should say enough is enough for the misery facing the Congolese if the DRC Armed Forces cannot fully protect them. It is for the same reason that Tanzania under President Julius Nyerere decided to go after Uganda's Dictator Idi Amin in the late 1970s following his incursion into Tanzania.
By the time Tanzania overthrew Amin in April 1979, the buffoon had already killed hundreds of thousands of Ugandans in eight years with African leaders watching quietly and even awarding him the chairmanship of the now defunct Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1975 in Kampala. What was a shame!
Tanzania's peculiar character is fully demonstrated by several operations that the country's military has been performing since independence starting with Operation Kumekucha against the Portuguese in the 1960s and Operation Tegama against Rhodesia and South Africa in Mozambique in the 1970s, both in Mozambique. Later between 1986 and 1988 Tanzania carried out another mission in Mozambique code-named Operation Safisha to uproot the Mozambican National Resistance Organisation(Renamo).
Earlier in the mid-1970s Tanzania also restored the ousted government in the Comoros and did a similar thing in the Seychelles between 1981 and 1982 to defend the government of President Albert Rene. The culprits in both Indian Ocean island states were mercenaries and mutineers supported by the then South African white regime and Western powers.
Tanzania was also the pillar of Africa's liberation struggles, which made the country not only the headquarters of the African Liberation Committee, but also the training base for freedom fighters from Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.No wonder Tanzania participated militarily in some of the freedom wars in these countries, creating an opportunity for people like Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and his brother, General Salim Saleh, to fight alongside Tanzanian troops and Frelimo fighters in Mozambique in the 1970s.
When Tanzania sent its brave, well-disciplined soldiers to peacekeeping missions in countries such as Liberia, Lebanon, Darfur in Sudan, and in the African Union's supported mission in the Comoros in 2008 coded-named Operation Democracy, it did so not for anything else but its principles, experience, and capability.
Evidently, Tanzania firmly believes in freedom and peace, and therefore, the country will be ready to fight anyone who goes against these noble principles. The death of our fallen hero, Major Mshindo, should serve as reminder that Tanzania respects freedom and peace for all Africans.