[wanabidii] Fwd: Thanks for your concern

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Dear All

A friend from the heart of the issue sent me this info to tell what is all about we see happening in Egypt. Just take time to see and perhaps sympathize and pray for this great nation that The Almighty God may have mercy on it


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Begin forwarded message:

Dear all,
I would like to thank everyone who sent me a message or an email to ask about me in the current situation in Egypt. I am fine and safe in Tahrir square.Well, I noticed confusion in your emails, so it is important to CLARIFY few points to you from the heart of Egypt and Tahrir square:

It was Not a coup, it's a Civilian revolution against terrorists (as shown in pictures)
Because ….
Morsi (ex-president) was fairly elected by 51%, but within just one year he became a danger to Egypt and to the Middle East. So Egyptians protested to remove him due to:
1- Morsi released all imprisoned convicted terrorists and supporters of Osama Ben Laden who were convicted in national and international terror crimes. This video shows more.
2- He approved a new constitution of Egypt which contained articles against human rights, women rights, and minority rights. It approved child and women abuse (i.e. approval of female genital mutilation) and it eliminated rights of Christians.

3- He supported M.B and Jehadis who were terrifying moderate Muslims and non Muslims on streets and on TV. In some areas Christians were unable to get out of their homes, and they had their churches destroyed, plus one Sheaa leader was tortured to death in streets. Moderate Muslims were also tortured and beaten to death on streets.

4- seven private religious TV channeled were urging people to kill non Muslims and anti-Morsi protesters convincing them that it will guarantee heaven and God's mercy in the afterlife. Several brainwashed jehadis responded to this by killing unarmed civilians in the sake of Heaven.

5- He is accused by Egyptian low by escaping from prison and spying against Egypt for Hamas (extremists in Palestine who provoke violence against non-Hamas Palestinians and Israel).

6- He made changes in educational books to encourage violent and hate, and give untrue facts of history to make MB and himself heroes.

7- He already started agreements of donating and selling some of our Egyptian land to other foreign countries.

8- He donated petroleum and electricity to Hamas while Egyptians suffer severe shortage of these elements. In return, Hamas supplies MB and the extremist (equal to Qada members) with guns, bombs and specialist killers.

9- He broke his oath to protect the Egyptians and the Egyptian land, and to follow the constitution, and replaced low by Constitutional declarations to protect terrorists.

10- He covered up for the killers of 11 Egyptian solders on the boarders of Egypt, because they belong to the foreign country which he spies for.

11- He is a member of MB whose only target for 80 years was to merge Egypt in other surrounding countries as one big Islamic state rolled by a Khalifa (like a king).

Finally, 24 million civilians signed a document called "Rebel" to withdraw confidence from Morsi for treason to Egypt.

Almost 30 millions protesters demonstrated calling the army to save Egyptians from a fanciest regime spreading violent to the world, and the due date was 30th June 2013.
The army responded to millions of civilians screams for rescue.

Not a coup; it's a new civilian revolution against terrorists

Attached are pictures of Morsi supporters, and other pictures showing the huge numbers of Anti-Morsi protesters on 30th June, and of myself 

Thanks once again to all of you..

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