[wanabidii] The Presidency; Bett Quizes Uhuru!

Monday, January 07, 2013
What is the age factor for leadership in kenya and in particular the Presidency!
We always hear that vijana ni viongozi wa kesho! Na iyo kesho itafika siku gani!
Hon.Frankline Bett has asked Hon.Uhuru Kenyatta how come his late dad Mzee Jomo became the president of kenya at 74 and when it is Raila,he should go home with Kibaki.
It is not lost that Hon.Uhuru stepped down his candidature for the presidency in 2007 for the then 76 year old mzee Kibaki.What has changed now.
Perhaps we need to understand whether the young one is automatically makes a good president - granted,we have the real youth in the block - Kingwa Kamencu at 29 can rule kenya and given good health,retire at 39.
Mnaona aje huyo dame!

From: Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com>
To: AFRICA OPED <africa-oped@yahoogroups.com>; BUNGE MWANACHI <bungelamwanainchi@yahoo.com>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <mwanyagetinge@yahoogroups.com>; YOUNG PROFESSIONALS <youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>; Progressive- Kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>; NVK MAGEUZI <NVK-Mageuzi@yahoogroups.com>; General communications from KPTJ <kptj-communications@fahamu.org>; Vugu Vugu <vuguvugumashinani@yahoogroups.com>; Kiswahili <Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>; uchunguzi online <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>; WANAKENYA KENYA <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; Wanabidii <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>; "wananchi@yahoogroups.com" <wananchi@yahoogroups.com>; youthagenda <youthagendayln@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 12:52 AM
Subject: U are a member of a party you do not know!

Are you really surprised that we have a fake PPO who sacked about 10 police officers in the last few years!
Your name could be with a political party that you are not a subscriber ;- check with www.iebc.or.ke/rpp/ID.No....
I am a member of a party that i have little knowledge about.I wonder if that is the party that will form the next government and rule with legitimacy!
We once had a mzee Ayanu from Ethiopia hosted at Pan Africa Hotel in the name of Gen.Mathenge.
Evans Machera.

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