[wanabidii] [CdaBoatGaza] Harry Fear: Reporting on Israeli aggression against Gaza, January 7-12, 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013
Harry Fear: Reporting on Israeli aggression against Gaza - Speaking tour January 7-12, 2013

** en anglais seulement **

Greetings to all supporters of the Canadian Boat to Gaza for 2013, the year when we plan to sail Gaza's Ark to challenge the blockade from the inside out, with your support. To find out more about Gaza's Ark and how you can support our work, please see http://www.GazaArk.org

The Canadian Boat to Gaza is pleased to co-sponsor a Canadian tour this week by Harry Fear, an independent journalist, documentary maker and activist from the UK. Harry was witness to the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians of Gaza  during Operation Pillar of Cloud in November 2012. Harry will be appearing in six Canadian venues in early January following a successful talking tour in Germany. 

Website: http://www.harryfear.co.uk
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/harryfear
Twitter: @harryfear

Harry's schedule this week in Ontario and Alberta is as follows (for more details check Facebook event page or http://www.gazaark.org/events):

Jan 7 Guelph, ON
7:00 - 9:00 PM
40 Baker Street
Co-host: OPIRG U of Guelph
Event page: http://on.fb.me/TIMRrF

Jan 8 Toronto, ON
2:00 - 5:00 PM 
University of Toronto Mississauga
Co-hosts: SAIA U of T & UTM | TSJP UTSC |SJP Ryerson U | SAIA York U
Event page: http://on.fb.me/UkmuGP

Jan 9 Hamilton, ON
7:00 PM Talk
Co-host: SPHR McMaster U
Event page: http://on.fb.me/ZUkFZ0

Jan 10 London, ON
7:00 PM
Co-host: Western U SPHR

Jan 11 Windsor, ON
7:00 PM 
Co-host: PSG U of Windsor
Event page: http://on.fb.me/ZVNm7U

Jan 12 Calgary, Alberta
Co-host: SPHR U of Calgary
Event page: http://on.fb.me/10QRBRz

For updates and more information, please see: http://www.harryfear.co.uk/blog/gaza-report/reporting-aggression-tour

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