Friends, We want to appreciate Let's Do It Foundation for recognizing what we have been doing at The Clean Kenya Campaign. Let's Do It is a Global Civic Movement based in Tallinn Estonia uniting 96 Countries championing for a Clean Planet. We are already 7 Million volunteers across the World. In Kenya, we are working with several Councils, Ministries and a host of Volunteer Groups in our Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. Let's Do It Foundation has become the first Organization in the World to recognize and appreciate what we are doing. It is funny that we have not received such recognition in our home Country! Hahahahahaha----on a light note. Received with thanks and appreciation
On behalf of The Clean Kenya Campaign Team, and on behalf of all our Partners who have made us be what we are, I accept this Commendation and Appreciation from the Let's Do It Foundation with humility. Now, as we approach the coming General Elections, and as we approach our Silver Jubilee Celebrations on 1st June 2013, there are two things that are disturbing me that I must share with the World; Leadership; What do these people want? If you take a walk around Kenya now, you will see several posters of men and women entreating Kenyans with good leadership, development, and all those nice words. They want to be elected into office and they are telling us all that they will do for us. Take a walk with me down the reality path; - Roads; our roads are in such a mess 50 years into independence
- Medication; our hospitals are in such a mess 50 years into Independence.
- Garbage; our Towns and Cities are in such a mess 50 years into Independence.
- Bushy Neighbourhoods; Our neighbourhoods, even in Nairobi, are bushy to an extent that you are tempted to ask, do we have anybody in leadership now?
- Housing; this sector has been messed badly as the so called leaders sleep in leadership.
- Water; 50 years into Independence, Nairobi, the Capital City of Kenya has no running water in our Taps and yet, we have leadership in place.
- Electricity; Kenyans have not known what constant and available electricity is all about 50 years into Independence. The Power can go off at any minute and the cost of it is beyond many and yet, we have had leadership for the last 50 years.
- Impunity; this has never meant anything to Kenyans. We are now busy campaigning even for people who should not be near any state office, and we do not care. Yet, we make all the noise about impunity all the times.
- Tribalism; we must never talk about this in Kenya, because, times such as these, many of us are going to vote tribe. It does not matter the quality that that person brings. We are Kenyans and tribalism is fair game.
- Corruption; Kenyans do not care about this. What matters to most people at such times are the Kshs 50.00 that the Politicians are dishing out. It does not matter where that Kshs 50.00 has come from.
- Insecurity; does it matter to anybody that Kenyans are dying in spates of insecurity across the Country? No, we are Kenyans and the moment some group of people are killed, we send condolences and bereave with them and wait for the next photo session.
- Traffic Management; Kenyans are dying on our roads daily and it has become a routine. The Police have decided to worship money at the expense of lives and no one cares.
- National Debt; this has hit Kshs 3 Trillion. And yet, someone is lying to me that our taxes are servicing 95% on the National Budget. I refuse to be such confused.
I have chosen the National Debt at number 13 intentionally. If we look at all the aforementioned, shoul they not be indicators of development? What is wrong then? How come 50 years down the Independence lane we are still campaigning on the platform of simple and basic needs of humanity? It brings me to the Second National Lie; Economy; Is it really improving?
I want someone to tell me the science that is used to indicate economic growth of whatever percentage at a time Kenyans are really hard hit with the costs of basic needs. Kindly review the same with me;
- The cost of Bread in 2002 was Kshs 15.00. It is now Kshs 50.00.
- The cost of Unga in 2002 was Kshs 35.00. It is now Kshs 125.00.
- The cost of Parafin per litre in 2002 was Kshs 18.00. It is now Kshs 108.00
- The cost of Petrol per litre in 2002 was Kshs 46.00. It is now Kshs 125.00.
- The cost of Milk in 2002 was Kshs 12.00. It is now Kshs 45.00.
- The cost of a 2kg pack of Sugar in 2002 was Kshs 46.00. It is now Kshs 260.00.
And someone has the temerity to tell me that the economy is improving! These are hard facts, and facts never lie.
And Kenyans are excited about these group of people campaigning for leadership! To the extent that we are ready to fight and kill for them! Shame on us....
Something must be terribly very wrong with us as a people. We forget so soon and we refuse to engage our minds into national issues. Let us all work for a Clean Kenya, a Clean Africa and a Clean General Election as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50 in Kenya.
Odhiambo T Oketch, Executive Director, The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC Tel; 0724 365 557 Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Mailing Group; friendsofkcdn@ The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of KCDN Kenya |