[wanabidii] Mysterious wine press, No women in tanks, Jerusalem on fire, Letter to the opposition, Benghazi, Jerusalem Day, Muslims at the Kotel - May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

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May 18, 2015 / 29 Iyyar 5775



Headlines & Recommended

1,400-Year-Old Wine Press Mysteriously Appears in Jerusalem
A Jerusalem jogger stumbled over an ancient wine press that hadn't been there before. The Israel Antiquities Authority was stumped...
An ancient wine press uncovered in Jerusalem

IDF Decides ' No Women in the Tank Corps'
After extensive fields tests to explore the issue, the IDF has decided that female soldiers cannot serve in Israel's tank corps.
Defense Minister Moshe

Jerusalem of Fire
Jerusalem is popping with wildfires all over the holy city, and on forested hillsides as well.
An IDF firefighting aircraft blankets the blazing hills of Jerusalem with chemicals designed to extinguish the fire.

Ayelet Shaked: Seeking to Save Israeli Democracy from the Israeli Supreme Court
Shaked: ' the judiciary, rather than the elected representatives of the people, wield the power to govern'
Israel's Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked speaks at the annual conference of attorneys in Eilat, on May 18, 2015.

An Open Letter to the Opposition
Dear Opposition Members... You seem confused... Let me clear it up for you... You lost.
Yitzchak Herzog in Knesset

What DOESN'T Make the News‏
100% of the 'First Responders' helping those Arab school girls were Jewish and they didn't hesitate!
A Soldier's Mother

U.S. Lied, Americans Died, According to Official Documents
U.S. government documents reveal government knew within days terrorists were behind Benghazi attacks
Hillary Rodham Clinton. July 21, 2014.

Turkey to Help Hamas Rebuild 19 Destroyed 'Missile Mosques'
The head of Turkey's religious affairs warms up Erdogan's ties with Hamas in his first visit to Gaza.
An IDF map of a mosque -missile storage site that was hit in central Gaza in last year's Operation Protective Edge,

ISIS Takes over Key Iraqi City but US Says 'Don't Worry, We Will Win' [video]
Pentagon insists "we will take back" a key Iraqi city, but that might come at the price of handing over Iraq to Iran.
The Islamic State Barbarian Theater - now playing in Iraq.

The Birth of a New Jewish Denomination
Women equalizing with men in all areas of Judaism is anathema to the very idea of male/female roles.
Rabbi Jeffrey Fox,Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Maharat

PA Media Accuse Settlers of 'Mission Impossible'
If there is any truth to constant PA media allegations of vandalism of olive trees, there are not many more trees left to be destroyed.
Arabs caught cutting down their own olive trees before blaming settlers for

Netanyahu Vows on Jerusalem Day, Capital Undivided 'Forever'
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu vowed Sunday at a Jerusalem Day ceremony the Israeli capital would remain undivided "forever."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu speaks at Jerusalem Day ceremony, Ammunition Hill.

Yom Yerushalayim Photos
Yom Yerushalayim brought out lots of students, adults and supporters of Israel.
Rova Square

Speaking with the Fire Marshal on Safety and Halacha
Fires are often caused by careless mistakes. People must use better judgment in fire prevention.
Mourners attend the funeral of the seven children from the Sassoon family, in Jerusalem on March 23, 2015.

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