A Communication from Mr. Otieno Sungu; Director- Programmes and Communication at The Clean Kenya Campaign
This afternoon, TCKC Team of Odhiambo T Oketch and Otieno Sungu paid a Courtesy Call on the Director-Kenya Tuna Uwezo Program- CHF International, Ms Selline Korir at her offices as we continue our networking for an issue based peaceful elections and a Clean Kenya. The discussions were very fruitful and we shall keep our networks posted on how we will partner on these critical issues. Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch, Ms Selline Korir and Mr. Otieno Sungu at the CHF International today
Later in the afternoon, Odhiambo T Oketch had a fruitful discussion with Bishop Dr William Abuka of the Faith Community Fellowship to follow up on the Religious Leaders for a Clean Kenya Campaign. Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch and Bishop Dr William Abuka in a meeting today
These are Flagship Programmes for The Clean Kenya Campaign that will involve as many Kenyans with the University Students, Lecturers and the Religious Leaders in a massive programme that will bring Kenyans back to issues of leadership based on Chapter 4 and 6 of our Constitution. We cannot forsake our Education at a time when Kenya really needs salvation. We must all rise up and be counted.
The coming General Election must be fought on issues that will drive Kenya forward as we champion for Peace, Credibility and Good Governance. We must rally Kenyans to reject money, greed, tribalism and impunity as key determinants at the ballot.
The week ending.
Ø The week that just ended had similar engagements for TCKC. We had engagements with university students and we have since formed University Students for A Clean Kenya as a Forum on Facebook and in practice. We have so far reached 2,200 members within 5 days and we are growing. This is a Forum for all those who have Post Secondary Education across Kenya.
Ø TCKC also hosted a strategic meeting with Akiba Uhaki Foundation at our offices to discuss further partnership as we continue our programmes especially the implementation of resolutions of The 2nd Consultative Forum on Waste Management held at the KICC on the 28th August 2012. Ø In the same week, A Better World-SOF/DI continued her support to TCKC as discussed with Ms Brigitte Frey. Ø The Tetra Pak waste packages recycling in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and several CBOs is on course and discussions on piloting are being fine tuned at the Ministry. Ø We have also initiated dialogue with Universities in the USA on Comprehensive School Health Education. We are reaching out to our partner Ministries of Education, Environment and Higher Education to deliberate further on this. Professor Martin Ayim and Mr. Udoma Ohiri are our key point-men on this great initiative for Africa. They are from Cameroon and Nigeria respectively, but both are working in the USA.
Ø The Wakulima Market Cleanup took place on 26th October 2012 as part of our market cleanup campaign in partnership with market traders and City Council of Nairobi. Muthurwa was the first to be cleaned on the 10th October 2012 in partnership with the Market Traders and TNA and a level of cleanliness is being maintained by the market traders. Ø On the 27th October, Pumwani Youth Groups Network-PYGRON together with TCKC, St John's Community Centre and Hon Yusuf Hassan undertook a cleanup and awareness campaign in Pumwani Majengo. We will begin piloting on waste recycling training with PYGRON next month among other groups. We are happy that Hon Yusuf pledged to work with TCKC to implement this in order to create opportunities for the youth by empowering them with skills. This is what the youth groups asked of their MP. They were very categorical that they do not want to be given handouts but "miradi". Mr. Otieno Sungu in action at Pumwani on the 27th Oct 2012
Week ahead.
Ø Tomorrow, 30th October 2012 TCKC will be part of Inuka Kenya forum at YMCA deliberating on waste management. Ø On the 2nd November 2012, we will join with our other key partners in waste management hosted by Strategic International Applications-SAI as we continue discussions on proper waste management at Mt. Carmel Kilimani.
Ø On 3rd November, TCKC joins A Better World-SOF/DI, one of our key sponsors to Western Kenya on a tour of projects. We will also have held discussions with Student Leaders at Masinde Muliro University and at Maseno University on Friday the 2nd Nov 2012.
Ø In the course of this week, we will also have a meeting with our other key partner, Public Service Transformation Department at the Office of the Prime Minister to review progress made so far. Ø We are also in discussions with Florida A&M University and Florida State University through Professor Barack Abonyo, where we are discussing a variety of areas including research on waste management, training, exchange programs and producing literature on waste management. Ø We will also be hosting within the week Madam Lorna Rutto of EcoPost on how we can make greater impact on recycling of plastics into poles and structure a process of recycling to include CBOs. She was on KTN TV recently.
Best, Otieno Sungu, Director; Programmes and Communication
The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC
Email; otienoraphael@gmail.com Blogspot; http://kcdnkomarockswatch. blogspot.com Website; www.kcdnkenya.org Facebook;University Students for a Clean Kenya Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Mailing Group; friendsofkcdn@ yahoogroups.com The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of The KCDN Kenya |