[wanabidii] New content updates

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:


25/11/2016 - Following the successful implementation of the first phase of the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), which the promoters described as "a landmark scheme", the second phase was launched on Thursday, November 16 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco. It was during a plenary session on the AAI, which formed part of the Africa Day at the UN climate change talks (COP22).

Categories: Morocco

25/11/2016 - Following the successful implementation of the first phase of the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), its promoters, amid a warm reception that greeted the landmark scheme in Marrakech on Thursday, November 16, 2016, are preparing to kick-off the next phase.

Categories: Morocco

25/11/2016 - Pour réduire sa vulnérabilité en général et celle de son secteur agricole en particulier aux changements climatiques, l'Afrique a désormais pour elle l'Adaptation de l'agriculture africaine (AAA), lancée en avril 2016 à l'initiative du Maroc, qui mobilise des fonds afin d'aider les agriculteurs à faire face au changement climatique. Dans son sillage, l'Initiative africaine d'adaptation a été mise en scelle.

Categories: Morocco, Climate Change, Environment

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