[wanabidii] We've been measuring theft all wrong, African experts say — what it has to do with leaked 'Panama Papers' (M&G Africa)

Tuesday, April 05, 2016
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Mail & Guardian Africa
African Truth
05 Apr 2016
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We've been measuring theft all wrong, African experts say — what it has to do with leaked 'Panama Papers'
We've been measuring theft all wrong, African experts say — what it has to do with leaked 'Panama Papers'
Continent should shift from popular perception indices, to also look at corruption in the private sector - and help develop plans to fight it
Heated debate in Mauritania over Abdel Aziz's third term bid: he 'deserved a third, a fourth or even a fifth term' says official
Heated debate in Mauritania over Abdel Aziz's third term bid: he 'deserved a third, a fourth or even a fifth term' says official
Ministers have made a familiar argument in Africa - that the president should get more time "so that he can accomplish the projects he started"
UPDATE: Congo deploys troops in capital Brazzaville after heavy gunfire, just days since Nguesso extended rule
UPDATE: Congo deploys troops in capital Brazzaville after heavy gunfire, just days since Nguesso extended rule
The American said it is limiting its operations and canceling routine consular services "in light of the ongoing threat"
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
They concluded Zuma will only step down after local government elections later this year
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South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Who is who on the list? Notable Africans in the leaked 'Panama Papers'
Either for privacy, security, or convenience, president's relatives, ministers and leading business people like to do business in offshore tax havens
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Get to Europe or die trying: Inside southern Libya's people-smuggling hub, where the 'crime rate is 150%'
"They beat me and kept saying: 'What's wrong with you? Why don't your parents send the money? Don't they love you?' - Jens, 24, from Guinea Bissau
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
One million unplanned pregnancies, 405,000 abortions every year in Tanzania alone - a wake up call for Africa
In 2008 the WHO estimated that 14% of all maternal deaths in Africa were due to unsafe abortion
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
For first time in two years, Uganda central bank cuts rate to 16% as prices fall
Economy continued to grow at a moderate pace, but activity was lower in the first quarter of 2016
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Africa sugar growers are unprepared for EU import quota end – infrastructure is the killer
Sales to the European Union account for the vast majority of exports from Mauritius and Mozambique, and about half of those from Swaziland
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Africa and the art of giving: a fresh breed is doing an old thing in new inspiring ways
The "Kenyans for Kenya" fundraising campaign aimed to $5.28 million in one month. That target was reached in 10 days
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Smart cities in Africa - time to get back to basics and begin the journey where it actually starts
Rather than focus on stuff like the 'Internet of Things' and sleek ultra-modern urban design, we should focus on more practical areas.
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
A very weighty problem: the world may have too much food, and it is killing us
The world population's average weight has increased by about 1.5 kilogrammes per decade since 1975
South Africa ruling ANC's top 5 leaders asked Zuma to resign. He said 'No': newspaper
Rivers turn to dust as drought bites Somalia; the mighty Shabelle river gives up the ghost
River-fed farmlands have become parched playgrounds for children to kick footballs on, and people are "walking inside the river"
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