[wanabidii] House votes against Iran Deal, Iran finds Uranium, Israel proposes Boycott Bill, 9/11 - Sept. 12, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

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September 12, 2015 / 28 Elul 5775
Shavua Tov!

Headlines & Recommended

House Passes Bill Blocking Obama from Lifting Iran Sanctions
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted down approval of the Iran Deal and voted to block implementation of the deal.
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY-1)

The Experts Were Wrong, Iran Strikes Vast Uranium Reserves
Iran says, "The new discoveries have made us confident about our reserves."

'Boycott Bill' Will Ban Participants from Entering Israel
Under proposed new legislation, anyone who participates in an anti-Israel boycott will not be allowed to enter the Jewish State.
An Israeli visitor tasting cherries grown in Gush Etzion. Exports from this and all other Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria have been boycotted in England since 2009.

Israel Remains Committed to Fighting the Evil Behind the Attacks on 9/11
On this year's 9/11, Netanyahu says Israel remains committed to fighting the forces of militant Islam.
Israel's 9/11 Memorial sits on a hill, overlooking the entrance to Jerusalem

September 11 and the Forgotten Lessons
Today, I cry for an America that has forgotten the lessons of 9/11 by supporting a terrorist regime

Nachshon Wachsman's Murderer Joins Hamas Delegation to Turkey
Turkey's ruling AK Party welcomes high-ranking Hamas members, including the murderer of IDF soldier Nachshon Wachsman.
The father of IDF soldier Sergeant Nachshon Mordechai Wachsman watches a video of his son as he is held hostage by Hamas. Sergeant Wachsman was kidnapped and held hostage for a period of 6 days, whereafter he was executed during an attempted rescue operation, September 30, 1997. (File photo)

Newly-Elected UK Labour Head is 'Friend' of Hamas, Hezbollah
Britain's pro-Palestinian Arab opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is elected head of the Labour Party in a landslide victory.
UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The BDS Funding Paradox
For anti-Israel groups, product labeling is a first step towards a comprehensive boycott of Israel.
.The real BDS.

53 Gifts Israel Gave the World in 2015
To educate the BDS on what they are missing, and to give the rest of us something to kvell about, here are 53 amazing gifts Israel gave the world in 2015.
RealView Hologram Heart

Rosh Hashanah Guide for the Perplexed, 2015
A little background information for Rosh HaShanah. Shana Tovah, Happy New Year, to all!
Jewish Holidays' Guide for the Perplexed by Yoram Ettinger

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