[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

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18 August 2015
This briefing paper provides a list of all the women who have ever been elected to the House of Commons.

18 August 2015
Prison population: Social Indicators page.

17 August 2015
Relates to a decision of the Pensions Ombudsman relevant to the amount of lump sum payable to many police and firefighters who retired in the early 2000s

17 August 2015
The existing police funding arrangements have been criticised as being complex and lacking transparency. In July 2015 the government issued a consultation on reform of police funding in England and Wales. This briefing looks at existing arrangements for police funding in all parts of the UK and explains the proposed new funding formula for England and Wales.

17 August 2015
This note provides background on the increase in the number of homeless households placed in temporary accommodation by English local authorities and outlines various initiatives aimed at reducing those numbers.

17 August 2015
A reformed Common fisheries Policy took effect from 1 January 2014 following on from several years of negotiation. The key reforms to the CFP, include a phased in ban on discarding fish (effective as of 1 January 2015); a legally binding commitment to fishing at sustainable levels; and increasingly decentralised decision making, taking place at regional rather than pan-European level. This note covers the proposals for reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), negotiations and decisions implementing the reforms.

17 August 2015
Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) is charged on insurance premiums and covers most general insurance. This note gives a short history of the tax since it was introduced in 1993, including the rise in IPT rates announced in the July 2015 Budget.

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