[wanabidii] Everyone against the Iran deal, Terrorist was previously released in "good will" gesture, Anti-democratic police actions, Chareidi minister - Aug. 27, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015

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August 27, 2015 / 12 Elul 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Military Officers Come Out Strongly Against Nuclear Iran Deal
190 military officers signed a letter to the Congressional leadership, warning against the Nuclear Iran Deal.
The Pentagon, in Washington, D.C.

Trump and Cruz Together to Fight Iran Deal in DC on Sept. 9
The Donald and the Cruz together against Iran on Sept. 9 at D.C. rally.
Donald Trump, running to be the Republican nominee for president

Now More than a Dozen Democratic Reps Against Nuclear Iran Deal
Maloney said that despite the administration's diplomatic efforts, she could not support the Nuclear Iran Deal.
Cong. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-12)

Obama and Biden Running after the Jews to Back 'ObamaDeal'
Politicians always remember you when they need you, and no one remembers better than President Barack Obama.
US Vice President Joseph Biden and President Barack Obama.

Jeb Bush Seeking Jewish Support
A "National Jewish Leadership Team" reportedly will meet with Bush two days after Yom Kippur.
Jeb Bush.

Damascus Gate Stabber Was Convicted Killer From Hebron
A convicted Palestinian Arab killer was able to stab again in Jerusalem because he was freed in a "good will gesture."
Border Police officers check Palestinian Authority Arabs at the entrance to Halhul, near Hebron.

Sometimes a Knife Attack is More Than That
The convicted murderer was released from Israeli prison with more than two dozen other sociopaths
PA Chairman Abbas proudly celebrating with released terrorists.

Surreal: Israeli Police Raids Conference Against Anti-Democratic Administrative Detention
If the administrative orders weren't undemocratic enough, police raided a conference discussing those orders, arresting a number of the participants.
Policeman picking up right wing activist at Nof Ayalon conference.

The Final Product of the "Peace Industry"
The 'Peace Industry' promotes its adherents; weak leaders, both military & political, is the result
Moshe Feiglin

Ashkenazi Hareidi MK Now Cabinet Minister for First Time in 60 Years
Torah sages surrendered to the High Court's ruling that a "Deputy Minister" cannot act as Minister.
Deputy Health Minister, Yaakov Litzman after attending a meeting with the Council of Torah Sages in Jerusalem Thursday.

Jews Return to City of David Complex after 77 Years
Another Jewish property in Silwan valley, where the British expelled Yemenite Jews 77 years ago, once again is in Jewish hands.
Israeli soldiers and security personnel protect Jews in Silwan Valley.

InterNations Ranks Israel 4th in the World in Hospitality to Foreigners
For a state that goes out of its way to discriminate in favor of one group, Israel receives high grades in treatment of immigrants of all colors and creeds, beating out the UK, the US and Saudi Arabia.
The Jaffa Gate entrance of Jerusalem's Old City. (Illustrative only)

Emes Ve-Emunah: Making Chumros the Minimum Standard
The Halacha of shmirat einayim (guarding one's eyes) is incumbent on the MAN; it's his obligation

PM Netanyahu to Meet Italian PM, Visit Expo 2015 in Milan
PM Netanyahu is set to meet in Italy with PM Renzi and then visit Israel's pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan.
Israeli pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan, Italy.

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