[wanabidii] New content updates

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

28/07/2015 - Casablanca, 28 July 2015 - The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco signed on 28 July 2015 three funding agreements today in Casablanca, Morocco, for one loan and two grants to a total of $114.5 million, or about 1.13 billion dirhams. The signing ceremony was co-chaired by the Moroccan Minister of Economy and Finance, Mohammed Boussaid, and the President of the AfDB, Donald Kaberuka.

Categories: Morocco

General procurement notices

Expressions of interest


Date Title:

EOI – Sierra Leone - Consultancy for sensitization and awareness campaigns on road safety for the Matotoka – Sefadu road rehabilitation Project, Section I: Matotoka – Yiye – 07 2015 (267 kB)


EOI – Niger - Audit opérationnel des aspects d'ingénierie, de gestion de la construction, environnementaux et sociaux - Programme Kandadji de Régénération des Écosystèmes et de Mise en valeur de la vallée du Niger – 07 2015 (225 kB)


EOI - Mauritius - Implementation of the Preliminary Technical Study and Design of Island Terminal and Breakwater Structure at Port Louis Harbour – 07 2015 (349 kB)


EOI – Egypt - Independent external review of financial statements - Project "Green Growth: Industrial Waste Management and SME Entrepreneurship Hub in Egypt" – 07 2015 (267 kB)


AOI - Maroc - Projet de renforcement de l'infrastructure entre Casablanca et Marrakech – ONCF - 07 2015 (283 kB)


GPN - Guinée Bissau - Projet d'amélioration du service de l'électricité dans la ville de Bissau – PASEB – 07 2015 (217 kB)


EOI - Sao Tome et Principe - Cabinet de conseil pour assister la Cour des Comptes et l'Inspection général des finances dans leurs missions d'audit et de contrôle des finances publiques - - 07 2015 (263 kB)


GPN - Burundi - Rwanda – RDC - Elaboration du Programme Régional de développement de la Plaine de la Ruzizi – PREDIR - 07 2015 (112 kB)


EOI - Côte d'Ivoire - Advising Actuary Services of its Pension Plan - Staff Retirement Plan – 07 2015 (171 kB)


EOI - Côte d'Ivoire - Scheme Actuary Services of its Pension Plan - Staff Retirement Plan – 07 2015 (172 kB)


Kenya - Isebania-Kisii-Ahero road rehabilitation project – ESIAS Summary – 07 2015 (1.0 MB)

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