[wanabidii] PA refuses tax money, Understanding the Obama Doctrine, Labor supporting Bibi on Iran deal against Obama, Achim Gat - Apr. 6, 2015

Monday, April 06, 2015

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April 6, 2015 / 17 Nisan 5775
Moed Tov!



Headlines & Recommended

Deadbeat PA Threatens to Return Tax Revenue to Israel
Israel released the PA's tax revenues, deducting a third to cover part of the PA's debt for electricity, water and medical services. The PA is upset they had to pay their bills.

The Obama Doctrine - Obama Espouses his Iran Strategy: If, If, If and Blind Hope
He assures the USA will defend Israel if is attacked, assuming there is anything left to defend.
Thomas Friedman interviews President Obama in the White House on Saturday.

Did the Police Fail or Did the People?
When a body is found murdered in a field, the community leaders must declare, "Our hands did not shed this blood."
The funeral of Rabbi Shmuel Wosner.

Muslims Chase Jews Off Temple Mount [video]
One policeman dutifully let a veiled Muslim woman help him take off a poster in the Old City saying Jews are banned.
Veiled Muslim woman helps policeman removed Old City poster proclaiming Jews barred barred from Temple Mount.

Time to Totally DELETE "Two State Solution" Policy!!
Obama is fixated with creating another Arab, worrying more about the Arabs than Israel's survival

Oil is Still Fueling Iran's Atomic Ambitions
Oil impoverishment is the only reason Iran is negotiating on its uranium enrichment-they are linked.
Iranian Oil Tanker

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