I respect you. You are a good man. Like our ancestors you are educative, caring and
informative. You spend your most valuable time to reach out a larger Kenyan community
to save a situation because of the commandment of love.
Our loving God will surely reward you more in abudantly...........Keep the good work of
blogging for purposes of sharing and we shall all reap the rewards of the seeds of Love
when time is ripe...............The day of reckoning is nigh when God will decree the fates of
all men according to the good and evil of their hearts and earthly lives.............
I am proud of you...................
Cheers !!!!
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 12:52 PM, paul nyandoto <> wrote:
Nyamogo & Maurice
It looks that all what account146w writes is placed on my neck now. Are you guys insane?.
I can see that Maurice has gossiped around and got all about me and he is now out to tell people all about me. He started with my white wife and now my schoolings. I tell you Nyamogo that today it is my turn tomorrow it may be you. If I were you I would be worried about your clients if Maurice knows you well. Because he has caused you already and still causing you to lose a lot and lots of clients through his gossips. Be careful.
But did Maurice forget to tell you that I was just an ordinary luo boy who attended Sawagongo high school and in our year in that poor school by then, we were only 3 pupils who managed to get 3 principles in sciences ( mine were in Maths, Chemistry , Biology and 2 subsidiaries). Went to st. Petersburg first medical university named after the great scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov ( who lived 1849-1936): I was possessed with nuclear medicine already by then. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov made the first physiological experiment now known all over the world in the same laboratory I sat in during my education time. The university is now known as the St. Petersburg medical academy. In the same university I developed more interest in Radiation, nuclear and medical oncology.
Well Maurice is right my wife is white and she was my medical school classmate. She is also a medical doctor graduated with honors( may be Maurice has researched about that too but has not told you). In Finland i joined Helsinki University and did my specialization in Radiation , nuclear and medical oncology. Did Maurice tell you that I met president Moi face to face and you can call Moi to confirm that too. In the 1990s i drafted for Kenya almost the same medical structure & care as Finland to help in health care. This was given to the director of medical services called Meme. What he did with them hell knows.
Has Maurice told you that i was also the first Kenyan to put 2 scientific research work in the red journal. A record very rare in Africa , Even among south african whites, even in europe here. May be now there are a lot but I ventured into that when a lot were still sleeping.
I think Maurice has forgotten to tell you that I was the first foreign born doctor( white, green, red, asian, black, yellow etc) in Finland to win the best Oncology year award given after every 2 years in Finland by the Finnish cancer foundation to the best performing doctor in the land. All who had that before me were only finnish nationals. That was in the year 2008. By the way i have spent all the money I got, so do not beg me for that either. If I live longer I may surprise you one day with a nobel prize; or my kids will do it. So just wish us well.
Well I have 3 very bright kids. Their academic performance have surpassed me and my wife by far. So what else have i left out which Maurice is still having in store to tell the forum?. Well I speak and write luo, Russian, Finnish, very well and in our house we speak luo and Finnish mostly. Other languages we have around here and there is English, swedish,swahili we speak very rare, but practice it always towards our holiday journey to Kenya every time. By the way I am a jaluo from suba land. A very happy luo man. Maurice you can keep on gossiping and googling to find more and tell the forum. But I warn the forum that tell Maurice something at your own risk. The day you turn your back every body will know them including your medical records.
I have also a negative side and that is:
I hate people who can not feed their children and those who refuse to take jobs because the government will tax them for child support. I still believe in old tradition, that a good father should play his role well to kids, failure to do that you can not enjoy my kingdom. No matter how good you speak english. People do not eat english here where I live. So forgive me for my bad english grammar and I do not need any monkey gossiper on my back to tell people who I am..