[wanabidii] We cannot have Israel's poorest children Crying on Purim - (JewishPress.com Promotion)

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

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Throughout Israel, hungry children are smiling in anticipation of a joyous Purim! And it's because they know they can count on caring people like you to remember them on this Number One Tzedakah Day of the year!

Colel Chabad will deliver your Purim gift in time for the holiday -- guaranteed. After all, for over 227 years, we've been caring for Israel's neediest -- regardless of their age, gender, background, or degree of religious observance.

Happy Purim, and Thank You from the bottom of 17,600 grateful hearts!

No one in Israel, old or young, should have to go hungry on Purim.   Please Help Now.
This Purim, Colel Chabad will provide food and companionship to 4,675 poor, lonely senior citizens in our 24 Soup Kitchens throughout Israel.
What's more, 5,195 impoverished families -- including many young widows with orphaned children -- will receive everything they need to enjoy a proper Purim feast.
On Purim it's a mitzvah to give. Give where it helps the most. Please Help Now.
www.colelchabad.org - Colel Chabad - Charities of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness. --  Caring for Israel's needy since 1788.
806 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213, 718 774-5446, 800 531-8001, 718 773-1614 Fax, info@colelchabad.org.
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