[wanabidii] Press Releases: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Birthday and Thailand's National Day

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

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12/02/2014 09:52 AM EST

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Birthday and Thailand's National Day

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
December 2, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, it is a great pleasure to wish His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej a joyous 87th birthday and congratulate the people of Thailand on your National Day this December 5.

The people of the United States and Thailand have been friends for over eighteen decades, and today we continue to cooperate on areas of mutual interest. Both our friendship and our partnership have weathered the storms of many challenges faced by each of our countries. This year, as every year, we take this auspicious occasion to express our support for the people and nation of Thailand.

On this day of celebration, I wish King Bhumibol and the people of Thailand peace, health, prosperity, and happiness in the coming year.

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