[wanabidii] Elections (Sigh), Freedom of Speech (& Nazis), Did I mention Elections? - Dec. 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

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December 2, 2014 / 10 Kislev 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

Elections Likely after Purim Parties but MKs Already Take Off Masks
All of the rats are leaving the sinking ship.
Is there an Israeli political leader who does not think he is Superman?

Report: Jordan Muslim Brotherhood Arms, Funds Hamas in Judea & Samaria
Some two dozen members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan were arrested for smuggling arms and money into Judea and Samaria.
Flag of the Muslim Brotherhood, now outlawed in Egypt

The Nazis Are Coming, The Nazis Are Coming
The average Israeli is remarkably stupid and thick-headed when it comes to the sanctity of freedom of speech.
Nazi Montage

Naftali Bennett and Uri Ariel are Going to Lose the Elections
If Bennett and Ariel split the party,Bayit Yehudi votes will go to the only party fielding a strong, stable religious bloc... the Likud.
Naftali Bennett and Uri Ariel

Election Fever in Israel
Both Likud and Bayit Yehudi have set primaries for January. No agreement reached between Netanyahu, Lapid.
The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking in the Knesset.

Israel, New Elections?
Poll: Given the choice between Netanyahu as PM and the wannabes, Bibi got by far the most support.
Knesset Logo

Shekel-Dollar Rate Soars to 3.96 on Election Talk
Lapid and Netanyahu have unwittingly helped exports by creating a government crisis.
Ticker tape at Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

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