Christian convert alleges torture in Egyptian prison, begins hunger strike
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Subject: Christian convert alleges torture in Egyptian prison, begins hunger strike
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Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:58 AM
Subject: Christian convert alleges torture in Egyptian prison, begins hunger strike
ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA Visit our web site at: -- E-mail: Monday, December 8, 2014 Christian convert alleges torture in Egyptian prison, begins hunger strike By Mark Ellis Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- An Egyptian Muslim who converted to Christianity in 1998 after he found God's love, began a hunger strike in prison this week to protest his mistreatment, persecution, and "illegal" sentence, his lawyer said.
In 2007, when he filed the lawsuit to change his religion, he said he wanted to raise his children as Christians, which is illegal if the father is registered as a Muslim. He was the first Muslim in Egypt to file such a suit, and it sparked a national uproar that caused his lawyer to stop representing him. He changed his name from Mohammad Hagazy after his conversion to Christ. In January 2008, a Muslim judge denied his petition. Hardline clerics called for his execution, and he received death threats by telephone, prompting Bishoy to go into hiding for months. His apartment was burned. But as the years wore on, Bishoy grew in courage and he itched to bring change to his nation. He approached a Coptic Christian television station news producer and offered to work as a journalist, but the station turned him down. After hardl ine Muslim President Mohamed Morsi was ousted in July 2013, Bishoy began documenting abuses against Christians - a practice that led to his arrest in December of that year.
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