Israel continues its brutal attacks
on the civilian population in Gaza

Israel has launched another criminal attack against the civilian population of Gaza, with air-raids, rockets and missiles from land and sea and threats of a land invasion.
One of the heavily hit areas is the port of Gaza, where Gaza's Ark ( is under repair, after it was sabotaged in late April. We have suspended work on Gaza's Ark to avoid unnecessary risks to workers and other individuals.
Dr. Mona El-Farra (Gaza's Ark Advisory Committee member and renowned Gaza activist) has written an eyewitness report on the attacks and their effects (see below).
Please speak up. Join actions in your city or area. Here is a list of planed mobilizations worldwide:
=> To stay up to date follow #GazaUnderAttack on twitter.
In Solidarity
Gaza's Ark Steering Committee
Eyewitness report from Gaza:
Gaza under attack - day 1
by Dr. Mona El-Farra
Last night and while Israeli army forces launched military attacks all over Gaza, by sea, air and artillery shelling, hundreds of thousands of children were unable to sleep inside their roof tinned homes, clinging to their parents, crying, terrified. The shelling of last night was so strong and went through the tiny strip from north to south, east and west. At least 100 attacks took place.
In Gaza we do not have shelters to escape to, during the attack.
These attacks come on top of a deteriorating economic situation. Right now it is Ramadan, the month of fasting and an increasing number of families have difficulty to get basic food, survival is a constant fight.
[ to read the full test please follow the link: ]